Cricket World Cup Fantasy League: Everyone gets a prize. Results inside.
Yay, I came fourth. What! It sounds better than last :)
posted by Fence at 04:17 AM on April 30, 2007
I think World Cups should be banned from all sports. Last year's football one put me off football for most of this season (I'm only now, with Liverpool in the semi-final of the Champions League, starting to pay attention again), and this cricket one has been dire (in all too literal a sense sadly). I feel disinclined to watch cricket this summer. I hope the rugby world cup (itself a ridiculous six weeks long) doesn't do the same to my enjoyment of rugby. Nice work, owlhouse> thanks for organising the competition.
posted by JJ at 04:15 AM on May 01, 2007
Judging by a TV report I saw on BBC Wales' Scrum V a few days ago, the rugby world cup may be heading the same way as the cricket one. Empty seats, excessive length, exorbitant prices etc... Over £100 for a ticket to watch Wales v Japan in Cardiff. Unbelievable.
posted by afx237vi at 08:19 AM on May 01, 2007
Oh and £100 is the cheapest ticket on sale. It's even more if you actually want to see the match.
posted by afx237vi at 08:21 AM on May 01, 2007
The 2003 RWC in Australia was, by contrast, very well managed, despite the length. Full houses for every game, and prices set accordingly. It was only AUD 5 (2 quid) to see things like USA versus Romania (or whatever). And they played games outside the main centres in places like Wollongong, Townsville etc. With a contact sport like rugby, I think you can't avoid the week break between the serious games, however the five teams per pool thing does increase the number of meaningless fixtures. With the seedings, only one game in each pool really decides anything (i.e. who gets 1st or 2nd place).
posted by owlhouse at 06:42 PM on May 01, 2007
Weren't there cheaper tickets available earlier for the RWC? I know I was thinking of going and you could buy a package deal for a fairly reasonable price. But time and work wise it just wouldn't work out for me.
posted by Fence at 09:05 AM on May 02, 2007
The tournament that felt as long as Margaret Thatcher - The Downing Street Years. Final Placings: 1. owlhouse 3989 2. JJ 3805 3. cabuki 3693 4. Fence 2940 So the coveted Costanza/Tufnell goes to Fence, who suffered for not having Kallis or one of the better Sri Lankans, like the rest of us had. Everyone picked Australia as the winner, except the only Australian. Fence, cabuki and owlhouse all picked 2 out of 4 semi-finalists. JJ picked 1 semi-finalist, but that was the one that mattered. There's a good statistical summary of the whole World Cup on, if anyone can be bothered.