NBA GM Fixit: An invitation to SpoFiers inside...
That's freaking awesome.... I'm totally not qualified in the slightest. For instance - right now, the only thing I can come up with that I think will right the Raptors ship is: Step 1 - Put Bosh out to stud. Step 2 - Wait 19 years. Or: Step 1 - Legalize marijuana in Canada. Step 2 - Sign any/all free agents.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:05 PM on May 12, 2006
weedy, love all of your suggestions....
posted by smithers at 03:11 PM on May 15, 2006
(rcade was gracious enough to let me post this here...tks.) My friend and I are hosting a fun contest called NBA GM Fixit, in which contestants have 1,000 words to write a blueprint for the future of their favourite team (trades, free agents, draft, etc.). The full rules can be found here. There are three contestant slots for each NBA franchise, and I am inviting SpoFiers to take part. We already have a few SpoFiers in the contest, and one on the judging panel (can't say who for obvious reasons), but would like to boost representation from here. There are some people from RealGM and the Most Valuable Network in as well, so would be nice to get a rivalry going. Deadline for submissions is May 28; the contest runs June 5-23. We have a humble prize for the overall winner. Please email me at the addy in my profile if you are interested....first come, first served.