Dime Magazine.: Is there room for another SLAM? The boys from the once popular but now defunct HoopsTV.com bring you Dime Magazine :: The Game. The Player. The Life. Their online version is not too bad. They give you some daily SMACK, a Game of the Day breakdown , and an occasional feature.
posted by jacknose to basketball at 11:32 AM - 3 comments
Hmmm, I didn't know that Smack and Game of the Day was linked to FoxSports.com. Thanks srboisvert. As for the "Sportatalk," you can find SportsFilter's equivalent to MetaTalk in the Locker Room. By the way, it seems that the ctrl-shift-a function is working for me, as you can tell by the Locker Room link.
posted by jacknose at 01:09 PM on February 16, 2002
Sorry I wasn't clear The key shortcut ctrl-shift-a is used on my system for other functions..
posted by srboisvert at 01:39 PM on February 16, 2002
Dime's Game of the day and Smack can also be had on FoxSports.com (I would put the link in but ctrl-shift-a is assigned to other functions - Should this be in Sportatalk? :-) )