BillTakesTheLead in the MLS Fantasy...though I would point out it's very early, with national team starting to call players away, and a very thin lead.
posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:13 PM - 11 comments
ummmm, yea ... my team sucks.
posted by jasonspaceman at 01:15 PM on June 04, 2004
i'm still hoping that Adu will go down with an injury so Eskandarian can get more playing time.
posted by goddam at 01:33 PM on June 04, 2004
Starfucker's lead is down to 10 points? I'm 5 points below you dude...
posted by StarFucker at 03:16 PM on June 04, 2004
My math skillz rool, fooker, that is why f1r3t p1ac3 is m1ne! Actually I forgot to edit after copy and paste.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:51 PM on June 04, 2004
I'm back on top a hundred!
posted by StarFucker at 09:02 AM on June 06, 2004
Well, it would be better to wait until my players catch up on games played--the Earthquakes played a friendly against Canada last night so I have two or so games in hand on them. But take your comfort as ye may, the old guy says.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:05 PM on June 06, 2004
I haven't had a keeper that played for 3 freakin' weeks now!
posted by StarFucker at 05:23 PM on June 06, 2004
Last I looked you had Raimando in goal, isn't he playing for DC? That's why I've been rooting so hard against them!
posted by billsaysthis at 06:20 PM on June 06, 2004
Yeah, but Raimondo hasn't played for 3 games or so... Then i picked up NE's keeper and now HE'S on the bench!
posted by StarFucker at 08:03 PM on June 06, 2004
SF, it's a knack for sure.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:30 PM on June 06, 2004
StarFucker's lead is down to 10 points: 1 BillSaysThisSCORES!!! 3255 2 Blammos! 3250 3 goddam maddogs 2740 4 Bosiak Bashers 2600 5 The Drifters 2440 6 spacemen 2220 Jason, what's happening? Your choices at striker are... interesting. NeenerNeener to the Fucker!