How do you make the links show up in their own window? I'm still perplexed by this newfangled HTML thingie (but if you need help debugging Hunt the Wumpus in BASIC, I'm your entitiy). To make this an actual feature request, I think it would worthwhile to include a really short primer on how to quote in italics, embed the links, and make them pop up in separate windows so at least I can pretend I'm savvy.
posted by pastepotpete to feature requests at 07:03 PM - 5 comments
Many people don't like links to be opened in new windows. The people who want things to open in new windows can do so via customize, or just open it in a new window themselves.
posted by riffola at 07:52 PM on March 06, 2002
Oops, you're right. I forgot that I changed it in my own preferences, tool that I am.
posted by pastepotpete at 08:11 PM on March 06, 2002
Testing: fark
posted by silent4lie at 08:04 PM on March 10, 2002
Thankx riffola.
posted by silent4lie at 08:04 PM on March 10, 2002
<b>bold</b> = bold
<i>italic</i> = italic
<a href="http://what.ever/here/">link</a> = link