How do you spell Colts? C.O.W.A.R.D.S! For not kicking to Hester after the run back. Some might say it's smart football, I say it's the losers way out. If you are suppose to be the best the AFC has to offer, you can't stop one measly player? I would have loved to have seen him take another one back, so we could be talking about a Bears championship and Hester as the MVP! Rex is a hex, and they aren't going anywhere till they get rid of him! It was like the Bears were playing with 10 on offense, and the Colts 12 on D. Good year, but '07 will be better for Chicago!
posted by chisox29 at 09:56 PM on February 05, 2007
Peyton Manning's Monkey Has Died
How do you spell Colts? C.O.W.A.R.D.S! For not kicking to Hester after the run back. Some might say it's smart football, I say it's the losers way out. If you are suppose to be the best the AFC has to offer, you can't stop one measly player? I would have loved to have seen him take another one back, so we could be talking about a Bears championship and Hester as the MVP! Rex is a hex, and they aren't going anywhere till they get rid of him! It was like the Bears were playing with 10 on offense, and the Colts 12 on D. Good year, but '07 will be better for Chicago!