Member since: | January 04, 2006 |
Last visit: | January 04, 2006 |
stolenangel has posted 0 links and 2 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
I am black and a product of the same Ghetto that Clarett was from. Born and raised on the Southside of Youngstown, OH., even attended school in Columbus, OH. Clarett never left the ghetto he just moved into a bigger version of Youngstown. If you have never been there; DON'T TAKE IT THERE! You will never understand what it takes to survive. I don't excuse the actions that were expelled but they are understood. Society placed sport contenders, entertainers of music and show on pedestals. When they succeed in providing you with entertainment and a since of pleasure, all hail to the great one. When they become disappointments you're ready to burn them at the stake. Yeah, yeah, I know-if they choose to live the life of fame and fortune they choose to be some kind of role model for society and the youth that surrounds them. Whatever, on that dumb notion, I blame every parent, guardian and/or caretaker of today's youth for allowing them to embrace these individuals as role models. Show them that GOD is the SUPREME role model. If you don't believe in my GOD, show them a single mother with two kids, going to school and working full time, graduate with honors and move from the ghetto, later to be married, successful and a homeowner. Or a man who played the dope game for years only to realize that his next play will land him in jail or the grave, later to be married, very successful and a homeowner. When you leave the ghetto you should leave your ghetto fabulous lifestyle behind. To reiterate Clarett never left the ghetto or the lifestyle. Assumptions that success and money will change someone are made by those who lack integrity, it's a temporary covering that unveils the moment you lose yourself to the vultures that call themselves your fan-friend. My fan-friends motivate my drive to succeed in a life that is best for my family and me. Not for them to gain any worldly pleasure. I'm disappointed in Clarett because he let himself down and those that just wanted the world to see one success come from the GHETTOS of Y-Town. Don't get it twisted, there are a lot of us doing well outside the walls of Y-Town but our statue in society it not recognized by all to see; Only the most important ONE knows our trials and tribulations. Welfare or the lack of possiblities do not make someone lose their way and start robbing people. Clarett lossed himself and missed out on showing us all his full potential. He is still young I pray that he will grow from this and turn his life around.
posted by stolenangel at 01:41 PM on January 04, 2006
Ex-Ohio State Star Runner Wanted for Armed Robbery
As for the boy comments, just because you have met the required age in which society deems you an adult. It does not however justify your level of manhood. There are many black, white, hispanic, asian, and all the other ethnic backgrounds of the male population that I may consider a BOY. Any male that feels that they can play the role of and man and jump ship when they feel the lack of freedom and choice is a boy in my book. Taking the responsibility of arming yourself and others with wisdom, knowledge and respect, THAT'S A MAN. Clarett had chosen to be irresponsible. Choosing to leave boyhood and entering manhood is not respected by age but by development.