It's about time! So many people were upset last year because Barry stood all over the plate and when an inside pitch came, he just let it hit that giant plastic pad and took first base. I'm sure though that he'll try to get around it by applying for a medical waiver to use the huge plastic pad. He'll do anything to up his personal stats. I think the league should make him comply rather than allow his bogus medical excuse. I'm so tired of him taking all advantage no matter what it does to the spirit of the game. Crowding the plate with that silly plastic pad takes away the fundamental batter pitcher relationship, giving the pitcher 1/2 the plate with no fear in the batter because he knows he can't be hurt. It's bad for baseball.
posted by sportsmaven at 12:43 PM on March 18, 2002
Baseball to limit use of body armor.
It's about time! So many people were upset last year because Barry stood all over the plate and when an inside pitch came, he just let it hit that giant plastic pad and took first base. I'm sure though that he'll try to get around it by applying for a medical waiver to use the huge plastic pad. He'll do anything to up his personal stats. I think the league should make him comply rather than allow his bogus medical excuse. I'm so tired of him taking all advantage no matter what it does to the spirit of the game. Crowding the plate with that silly plastic pad takes away the fundamental batter pitcher relationship, giving the pitcher 1/2 the plate with no fear in the batter because he knows he can't be hurt. It's bad for baseball.