007Running1st's profile

Name: Michael Butts
Member since: November 10, 2005
Last visit: March 09, 2006

007Running1st has posted 0 links and 1 comment to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

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BoSox trying to trade Manny to O's for Tejada

I thought the orioles wanted to win NOW! Say it ain't so. Get Manny for nothing; keep Tejada for career. No one is going to do that trade; unless it doesn't involve Miguel. Say bye-bye to Baltimore GM, if he should pull the trigger. I know they want to get away from last year's season of I have never done steroids{period}. Question: Did he shoot him in the ass? Should they trade Tejada, I think this will answer what the owners beleive. 007Running1st

posted by 007Running1st at 07:16 PM on December 11, 2005