Hey HUSKER FANS, Well now, let's see, your coach is making throat slashing gestures, and he says it's all because he's frustrated. Frustrated.......well Bill, imagine how the HUSKER NATION feels. Here they were supposed to get a coach who, supposedly knew a little about the WEST COAST offense, which intern, knows little about anything especially college football. His main objective is to make sure his team becomes better student, they learn how to conduct themselves better on & off the field, and graduate.Well, that sounds all and great if your at Harvard, or Yale,where their academics do come first,but in the HUSKER NATION, that doesn't win ball games! Oh, it fine and dandy when the "Big Red" beat third teir teams like Wake Forest,Pitt, and Maine(a D-1AA team).This team is going nowhere, and will continue to,and to my delite that's fine with me. But, the cowards at NU, won't even comment on the incident against Oklahoma.The A.D.,the Chancellor, and the Coach, all thinks it's amusing. They are happy to get any type of press they can. The coach saying, "he doesn't know what everyones talking about, just goes to show that "Coach Callihan" has no clue as to what he's doing,either on the sideline or in a pressroom. And, if he did, he'd still be coaching the Raiders,to another losing season.Going to a Super Bowl(and losing),does not make you a good coach, having constant winning seasons, makes you a good coach. So Coach Callihan, go lose two out of three of your next games, miss going to a bowl again, and see just how much fan support you get. Your offense is lousy, defense can't stop the run,and all you can say is were getting better. I sure hope the next recruiting class,wakes up, opens thier eyes,and realizes, that just going to Nebraska, doesn't mean a ten win season,a bowl game every year, or even a championship. It just means, Your headind for the worst four years in your sporting lives,especially if Coach Callihan and his staff are still in Lincoln when you get there!!!!!!!
Bill Callahan in deep shit
Hey HUSKER FANS, Well now, let's see, your coach is making throat slashing gestures, and he says it's all because he's frustrated. Frustrated.......well Bill, imagine how the HUSKER NATION feels. Here they were supposed to get a coach who, supposedly knew a little about the WEST COAST offense, which intern, knows little about anything especially college football. His main objective is to make sure his team becomes better student, they learn how to conduct themselves better on & off the field, and graduate.Well, that sounds all and great if your at Harvard, or Yale,where their academics do come first,but in the HUSKER NATION, that doesn't win ball games! Oh, it fine and dandy when the "Big Red" beat third teir teams like Wake Forest,Pitt, and Maine(a D-1AA team).This team is going nowhere, and will continue to,and to my delite that's fine with me. But, the cowards at NU, won't even comment on the incident against Oklahoma.The A.D.,the Chancellor, and the Coach, all thinks it's amusing. They are happy to get any type of press they can. The coach saying, "he doesn't know what everyones talking about, just goes to show that "Coach Callihan" has no clue as to what he's doing,either on the sideline or in a pressroom. And, if he did, he'd still be coaching the Raiders,to another losing season.Going to a Super Bowl(and losing),does not make you a good coach, having constant winning seasons, makes you a good coach. So Coach Callihan, go lose two out of three of your next games, miss going to a bowl again, and see just how much fan support you get. Your offense is lousy, defense can't stop the run,and all you can say is were getting better. I sure hope the next recruiting class,wakes up, opens thier eyes,and realizes, that just going to Nebraska, doesn't mean a ten win season,a bowl game every year, or even a championship. It just means, Your headind for the worst four years in your sporting lives,especially if Coach Callihan and his staff are still in Lincoln when you get there!!!!!!!