Name: | Bill Lamkin |
Member since: | October 17, 2005 |
Last visit: | November 24, 2005 |
zinman has posted 0 links and 5 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
Stadler had a "non-conforming club" in his bag. Apparently a club,(not disclosed which one) had a bent shaft. Said shaft had not been bent during the current round. When Stadler found it in his bag after the round started, he went to the rules official and he was disqualified. I am sure that he could have said nothing and no one would have known, but he knew and that is what is important. Sort of like the Bobby Jones story you relayed earlier. Potential cost to Stadler, had he shot a round of par he would have cashed about 136k. He had been in the chase to win the tourney. Winners share around 750k. Would not have wanted to be his caddie after that.
posted by zinman at 10:26 AM on October 19, 2005
as a foot note, let us not forget about Stadlers kid being dqed from the Vegas tournament this weekend. Any comments on that?
posted by zinman at 07:18 PM on October 18, 2005
Hey JJ, Thanks for setting me straight on Stadler. It has been far to long ago for me to have had remembered it as well as you. Also thank God for the rules of golf since without them pro golf would look like a weekend country club calcutta with bad golfers thinking they are good. Foot wedges here a little roll over there...get the point. Thanks
posted by zinman at 07:16 PM on October 18, 2005
Golf is a sport that requires a lot of integrity. Golfers don't have individual umpires that follow them. Therefore if the golfer has a question they must request a ruling from an official.(same as with the PGA) Michelle, for whatever reason, (golfers are loners their minds filled with the deamons of their last shot ie my god I hit it in that bush)chose not to get the offficial over to give the blessing for her action. That allowed the gallery or the television audience access to the situation. She made a mistake and was penalized appropriatly for that mistake. Tough lesson, you bet, but blame the message not the messenger. Case in point, I think it was Craig Stadler some years ago was leading a tournament and hit his ball under a tree. He had to actually get on his knees to address his ball. It had been raining that day so he decided to pull his rain pants out of his bag and put them on the ground to keep his knees from getting wet. He hit his ball and took a bogey on the hole and played the rest of his round and won the tourney. So he thought. A watcher on TV called in and thought that what he had done was to enhance his lie or something like that, (in fact that is what he had done according to the rules) and since he had already signed his card he was disqualified. Had he requested a ruling he would have won or if instead of puting the pants on the ground he would have put them on, he would have been the winner. Rules are rules and the person that said the book of rules on golf makes the Bible look like a pamphlet was correct.
posted by zinman at 12:46 PM on October 17, 2005
The Million Dollar Kick
I doubt very much if Wendys put up much money for this event. There are insurance companys that will pay off these payments based on the probability of someone accually accomplishing the act. Probably cost Wendys 20k. They do the same thing at golf tournements for the hole-in-one packages. It all most never happens, but once in a while lightning strikes and they have to pay off. What are the odds of some average Joe kicking a ball 50 yards through uprights. Had to be a million to one.