Coach resigns after high school bans pregame prayer
The bottom line in this whole argument is that the coach did something that was not allowed by both the rules of most every public school in the United States as well as its basic government guide, The Constitution. I am a public school teacher and I would not ever invoke a prayer in my classroom. It is against the law and the coach knew that. Whether or not anyone is offended within the locker room is imaterial, he broke the rules and he must deal with it.
posted by dubrducke at 12:59 PM on October 12, 2005
Coach resigns after high school bans pregame prayer
The bottom line in this whole argument is that the coach did something that was not allowed by both the rules of most every public school in the United States as well as its basic government guide, The Constitution. I am a public school teacher and I would not ever invoke a prayer in my classroom. It is against the law and the coach knew that. Whether or not anyone is offended within the locker room is imaterial, he broke the rules and he must deal with it.