Skip Bayless denounces Stoops's punishment of Peterson
As a Oklahoma resident and a OU fan, I read the newspaper, watch the sports on TV etc. This gives me privvy to OU news that might not be published in another state. Not many ppl know, because it has not been widely published, but the Pres. of OU (the big kahuna) himself issued an edict that ALL student athletes WILL attend classes unless that student has an excused absence which will be checked thoroughly. The first offense is handled by the coach with the appropiate punishment meted out. The second offense warrants a suspension for such a time that the athlete fully understands his/her responsibility to the the university. So our Mr. Skip "Clueless" knows not what of which he speaks.
posted by johncee at 05:16 PM on September 16, 2005
Skip Bayless denounces Stoops's punishment of Peterson
As a Oklahoma resident and a OU fan, I read the newspaper, watch the sports on TV etc. This gives me privvy to OU news that might not be published in another state. Not many ppl know, because it has not been widely published, but the Pres. of OU (the big kahuna) himself issued an edict that ALL student athletes WILL attend classes unless that student has an excused absence which will be checked thoroughly. The first offense is handled by the coach with the appropiate punishment meted out. The second offense warrants a suspension for such a time that the athlete fully understands his/her responsibility to the the university. So our Mr. Skip "Clueless" knows not what of which he speaks.