Member since: | July 22, 2005 |
Last visit: | January 24, 2006 |
tanuki11 has posted 0 links and 9 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
F*CK CANADA! They're not even a real country anyway
posted by tanuki11 at 08:49 AM on March 09, 2006
Teach these kids to speak ENGLISH and compute MATH... NOT baseball. Joe Morgan is an ASSHOLE.
posted by tanuki11 at 07:51 AM on March 02, 2006
No surprise that grum rhymes with dumb. The analogy that an Italian crime family and an historic "Indian tribe" name have anything in common is absurd. First of all, one of the great semi-pro baseball teams of all-time were named the Hebrew Oilers! Are Norsemen offended when they see the mascot of the Minnesota Vikings, NO! Are people from Ireland offended when they see that ugly leprechaun repping the "Fighting Irish" NO again. When I was a child I participated in YMCA sponsored "Indian Guides" which tried to teach us about Native Americans. Everybody was white was that okay?
posted by tanuki11 at 02:38 PM on August 06, 2005
Will the NCAA brass have to stop meeting in Indian-apolis? Maybe the city can change its name to Native American-apolis!
posted by tanuki11 at 11:07 AM on August 05, 2005
Mea culpa, I have offended the great and powerful sports filter. What should my punishment be? Blanket statements about the wonderful sports filter are not to be tolerated. Here is a non blanket statement for those complaining about my blanket statement. You were quick to condemn my comments about the retarded nature of the sports filter, yet no comments about the racist and hateful statements by sports filter member Bubba Dope. Shame on you, REJECTS!
posted by tanuki11 at 12:37 AM on July 23, 2005
I am glad to see that anti-semitiism is alive and well on yr stupid sports filter. The level of intellect on this site is appallingly low. You disgust me.
posted by tanuki11 at 08:13 PM on July 22, 2005
MLB Cooperstown Collection: Koufax, Clemente, Mr. Cub . . . and Dr. K?
If you "idolize" these worthless sports stars like Gooden, Rose, and especially the double murderer O.J, you are giving them more credibility as human beings. Its like saying well, Mussolini made the trains on time and Hitler loved dogs. The reason all you a-holes want to separate the playing field from the real life reality is because you ARE ashamed of who your heroes are!