Officials Overturn Call; Redskins Trademark Might Be Sacked
Breaking News !!! The N.F.L has decided to chage the name. Here are some possible new team names. - The Washignton Rednecks - The Washington Crackers - The Washington Republicans ( offensive if you ask me ) - The Washington Pale Faces - The Washington Wonder Breads The bottom line is that Washington Redskins IS indeed offensive, not just to Native Americans, but to ayone who thinks bigotry is wrong. Remember, the franchise was once owned by a Racist indivual who didnt allow African Amercans to play for his team until the 60's or 70's. Just becuase the name has been around for like 70 years, it dosent mean that it should stay. Shame on anyone who thinks different.
posted by wstptsbrged at 05:38 PM on July 19, 2005
Officials Overturn Call; Redskins Trademark Might Be Sacked
Breaking News !!! The N.F.L has decided to chage the name. Here are some possible new team names. - The Washignton Rednecks - The Washington Crackers - The Washington Republicans ( offensive if you ask me ) - The Washington Pale Faces - The Washington Wonder Breads The bottom line is that Washington Redskins IS indeed offensive, not just to Native Americans, but to ayone who thinks bigotry is wrong. Remember, the franchise was once owned by a Racist indivual who didnt allow African Amercans to play for his team until the 60's or 70's. Just becuase the name has been around for like 70 years, it dosent mean that it should stay. Shame on anyone who thinks different.