Will anyone consider finacing this business opportunity? Let's place Haddad's fat-ass face on heavy bags, and sell them. It will make millions. After all, he's the definitive poster child for getting a public serving of royal whoop ass! I think Artest and O'Neal got their just due, but man oh man, what a beautiful punch by O'Neal. Had O'Neal's left (anchor) foot not slipped, that corpulent troll Haddad would just be waking up right now. Is it just me, or does Haddad remind anyone of Larry Mondello, that fat, whiny friend of The Beaver's on Leave it to Beaver? At the very least, when Doughboy ran onto the court, he should have raised his chubby, nacho chees-stained hands to protect his ugly mug. If the judge wanted to really make him suffer, she should have sentenced him to eating healthy and working out for 6 months.
Guilty of Stupidity on All Counts
Will anyone consider finacing this business opportunity? Let's place Haddad's fat-ass face on heavy bags, and sell them. It will make millions. After all, he's the definitive poster child for getting a public serving of royal whoop ass! I think Artest and O'Neal got their just due, but man oh man, what a beautiful punch by O'Neal. Had O'Neal's left (anchor) foot not slipped, that corpulent troll Haddad would just be waking up right now. Is it just me, or does Haddad remind anyone of Larry Mondello, that fat, whiny friend of The Beaver's on Leave it to Beaver? At the very least, when Doughboy ran onto the court, he should have raised his chubby, nacho chees-stained hands to protect his ugly mug. If the judge wanted to really make him suffer, she should have sentenced him to eating healthy and working out for 6 months.