cheramieiii's profile

Name: Lynn Cheramie
Member since: March 18, 2005
Last visit: March 27, 2008

cheramieiii has posted 2 links and 2 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

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posted by to at 06:47 PM on March 31, 2025 - comments

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Lakers Officially Out of It

"Kobe is no Michael Jordan" and now everyone has to believe that statement. They lost Shaq and Jack, those were the only reasons they won the way they did.

posted by cheramieiii at 11:20 PM on April 13, 2005

Jermaine O'Neal plays the race card.

If a white guy would have made the same statements the NAACP, AFLCIO and Black Panthers would have been on the poor guys door step until he begged for mercy and forgiveness. When are we going to stop the reverse discrimination in this country and I don't want to hear the excuse that black people were slaves and the whiteman owes them something. We were very wrong by having slaves, but we did bring you to this country. I'm assuming that was a good thing. I would be all for reprerations for those individuals who actually were slaves. How many are left? Stop bitching about the past and get on with your lives. You people keep your own race down by hiding behind excuses why you can't do better. You don't overcome, we keep handing everything to you. Someone needs a wake up call and need to learn that if you never have to work for anything in your life, all that you think you achieved is meaningless. Life is but a fleeting moment in time and no one remembers your name 50 or 100 years from now, unless you had a positive impact on the world while you were here. Jermaine O'Neal's comments just go to show you that he did'nt use the free education he received too well, but boy can he play basketball. What a fool and does he really think anyone really pays attention to him unless he is playing basketball.

posted by cheramieiii at 11:12 PM on April 13, 2005