Coach Indicted in Teen Athlete's Heat Exhaustion Death
That coach probably got his idea from U.S. Navy Seal training. Until a few years ago (and possibly still), at one point during training recruits were subjected to increasing levels of abuse, with no rest or food, until one of them quit the program by dramatically ringing a ceremonial bell. This made some sense for training Seals. It makes no sense for training high school (or any other) football players.
If reports are accurate, that coach bears full responsibility for his player's death. That said, I wonder why no parent-observer ( or any other observer, including an assistant coach) didn't speak up and try to stop the idiotic behavior?
posted by kajajamon at 05:29 PM on January 26, 2009
Coach Indicted in Teen Athlete's Heat Exhaustion Death
That coach probably got his idea from U.S. Navy Seal training. Until a few years ago (and possibly still), at one point during training recruits were subjected to increasing levels of abuse, with no rest or food, until one of them quit the program by dramatically ringing a ceremonial bell. This made some sense for training Seals. It makes no sense for training high school (or any other) football players. If reports are accurate, that coach bears full responsibility for his player's death. That said, I wonder why no parent-observer ( or any other observer, including an assistant coach) didn't speak up and try to stop the idiotic behavior?