Name: | mclarty |
Member since: | February 16, 2005 |
Last visit: | September 13, 2005 |
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It's just another sad black mark on the state of proffessional sports, including college sports. Doping in cycling and baseball. Boxing is a joke, great sport, but promoters have ruined it. I consider myself a true sports fan, not the betting, gambling type, I just love to watch the game. Most proffessional sports and their charactors are starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Dog fighting, drugs, violence, gambling, overall disrespectful and irresponsible behavior by the athletes. "I am not a role model" and as it turns out Sir Charles Barkley is a role model compared to cesspole that has become our faorite pastimes. Now as I watch games with my 11 year old son I am hopeful that his favorite player doesn't get caught up in a shooting at a strip club, get caught at a dog fight, come up on a list out of Balco, father 12 children by 8 different mothers, get pulled over in a car full of pot, the list goes on. I guess our only option is local high school sports, problem there is they are already starting to smell of other peoples money also.
posted by km2262 at 11:49 AM on July 24, 2007
ok let me get this right. He's scheduled to make ten million dollars playing baseball, staying in the finest hotels, eating at the best resturants, living a golden life as I see it. So he's upset that he won't be playing his position of choice, yet the National's take him because they believe in his skills and feel that even in Left he'll benefit the TEAM. Sorry, Soriano your a pussy to ninth degree, prima donna doesn't even come close. You play a game for a living asshole.
posted by km2262 at 10:46 AM on March 21, 2006
I understand Picabo's feelings here. I also know abit about her past behavior back in the day. SHE shouldn't be casting stones. I won't go into the stories I have heard because they are just that stories. My personal take on Miller is simple, he tried hard but his head wasn't in the game, why not? Only BM knows, he also has another Olympics in him. As far as the woman's team goes it started bad got worse and ends w/ a gold medal, I'd say if you wear a crown you'd better go fast. These people ski faster than most of us drive, races are won by hundreths of a second. It has to fall into place on that run or in the two runs. Bummer about our results, I'll still be watching. Miller's save alone was worth the coverage. As far as America's image goes..........I won't argue it dispells our play first attitude the rest of the world see'
posted by km2262 at 12:08 PM on February 26, 2006
I watched in dismay as they were awarded the silver. I am amazed at how dishonest the judging still seems to me. The Russians looked tight and unable to get into thier program, it looked forced. I enjoy watching figure skating, it's an athletic event that requires speed, grace, and power, still it's kinda pansey. Falling down on that throw definitly sucked and hurt but how are the judges supposed to score that? Injury timeout? Her face to me had more dissipointment in it than pain. Theres no way they get a silver, but a standing ovation and kudo's" great finish". Stop the prima dona BS, oh you to Michele.
posted by km2262 at 10:51 AM on February 14, 2006
Not being a big football fan, it was interesting to watch the game unfold as it did. Anyone saying that the officating(sp) didn't change the moumentum of this game is a fan of the black and gold. Seattle should have scored 14 or 17 additional points in the game, at the very least 10. It's nice to see Rooney get another ring, Cowher and Bettis, but today or very soon they will watch the game films and be very thankful it ended the way it did. Game Over.
posted by km2262 at 10:59 AM on February 06, 2006
I am a runner, biker, swimmer, triathlete, 21 yrs ago I did my first triathlon. To the best of my knowledge there's never been a black person on the cover of either of triathlons leading mags. However, in all this time I've seen only a couple of African Americans participating in these events. The fact that they aren't represented well in runner's world doesn't surprize me nor should it surprize any of us. The target audience is middle of the pack recreational runners. If there were a magazine called Ebony Runner's would it get this much attention? I think not.
posted by km2262 at 10:49 AM on March 14, 2005
I for one think Mo did a good job. He was given a group of players who don't understand the word team. Portland will be worse off, who'd want to coach these guys? Dunleavy had the same problems as Cheeks. Talent, skills, whatever, it doesn't win ball games, unless you use it right. 10 team mates working for the same purpose, win. Good luck to Mo, Good luck to the poor bastard who inherites this group. Hey maybe Phil Jackson wants a real challenge.
posted by km2262 at 07:57 PM on March 02, 2005
Minimize all the speculation, the sport of bicycle racing is what it is, much harder physically and mentally than the big three. If and thats a big if Armstrong is able to win another tour, it would be an incredible acheivement, unlike anything in recent sports past.... remember those he riding against have every advantage he has, beside it's interesting watching those trying to pull him down( fench and german press) so go Mr. Armstrong...make us proud.
posted by km2262 at 04:21 PM on February 16, 2005
Greg Oden is out for the entire season.
Wow, we drafted another Sam Bowie. Except with this one we get only two summer league games before he breaks. Just think about the Blazer front office right now. Everyone walking around with question marks above thier heads. I wonder how he's feeling signing a nice big contract, telling the press he's happy for the time off, because he hasn't had a break in the last 2 years, basketball and more basketball. Well, Mr. Oden your going to getting a little more rest. Interesting that he's not really played since LV. Could there have been some prior physical concerns at the head office? Hope he heals well and starts taking his fitness a little more seriously.