I mean HIV is transmitted by blood or saliva...posted by jaclp at 8:46 PM CST on February 20 Technically, not one case has been linked to any saliva transfer. HIV attacks specific leukocytes (WBC's), mainly that of T-cells. Hence, HIV transmission only occurs via blood transfer. However, the slightest trace of blood within the saliva (which is very possible to have without knowledge) is capable of viral transmission. Also, though not proven, it is beleived that a significant amount of saliva transfer MAY transmit the virus. Again, that has yet to be proven and it may be more closely linked to an increased possibility of blood transfer via a large amount of saliva. Most cases of transfer of any virus result from whats termed horizontal infection. That is, body fluids, breast milk, sperm, vaginal fluids etc. Tears may also carry the virus, but the high Na+ content would diminish it's effect almost instantaneously. I am a graduate sutdent of Microbiology and Immunology. Also, I'm a sports nut. Spotted this article and just thought I should clarify. As far as Morrison, glad to hear the good news, but I think it's a tad too late for a comeback. The other problem is getting people who will not be afraid to shed blood in a ring with him. Even if he's clear, many will have their doubts. I'd pass (then again, I don't box).
posted by musclemenace at 12:03 PM on February 21, 2007
Tommy Morrison Cleared to Fight
I mean HIV is transmitted by blood or saliva...posted by jaclp at 8:46 PM CST on February 20 Technically, not one case has been linked to any saliva transfer. HIV attacks specific leukocytes (WBC's), mainly that of T-cells. Hence, HIV transmission only occurs via blood transfer. However, the slightest trace of blood within the saliva (which is very possible to have without knowledge) is capable of viral transmission. Also, though not proven, it is beleived that a significant amount of saliva transfer MAY transmit the virus. Again, that has yet to be proven and it may be more closely linked to an increased possibility of blood transfer via a large amount of saliva. Most cases of transfer of any virus result from whats termed horizontal infection. That is, body fluids, breast milk, sperm, vaginal fluids etc. Tears may also carry the virus, but the high Na+ content would diminish it's effect almost instantaneously. I am a graduate sutdent of Microbiology and Immunology. Also, I'm a sports nut. Spotted this article and just thought I should clarify. As far as Morrison, glad to hear the good news, but I think it's a tad too late for a comeback. The other problem is getting people who will not be afraid to shed blood in a ring with him. Even if he's clear, many will have their doubts. I'd pass (then again, I don't box).