Member since: | February 15, 2007 |
Last visit: | June 19, 2013 |
stevis has posted 0 links and 25 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
jg, you are correct, but I do feel rather passionately about Fenway's inadequacies. In most cities, one is able to walk up to the ticket window on the day of a game and have some surety of getting decent seats. Not so with Fenway. The club advertises that it has seats available from turn-backs of season tickets and the like, but you are taking a chance that there will be anything left in your price range. I live about an hour by car from Fenway. Parking is limited and expensive, so public transportation is preferred and still requires some driving to get to it. Ticket availability on line for advance sale offers only the worst seats in the park, if any are available at all. I'm not about to make my way from NH to Boston, get to Fenway, and find out that I can not get a seat in my price range or one that actually offers a view of the field rather than the bullpens.
I occasionally go to Boston on business, cruise to Stubhub, and get a perfectly reasonably priced single. Yes, I drive to a transit locale. I am utterly failing to see your difficulties.
I like it when people state that Wrigley should be torn down. It's the mark of someone whose opinions I no longer have to take seriously.
posted by stevis at 08:09 AM on May 17, 2012
Weber had never been disciplined for his play in the NHL
Actually, yes, he was fined $2500 for boarding earlier this season.
He should have gotten two. Changes the character of that series, and I really think it sent the signal that suspensions weren't coming in the postseason, which gave the oxygen to all the Penguins/Flyers crap. Torres probably would have pulled this shit, regardless.
posted by stevis at 10:24 AM on April 23, 2012
I wish Tebow would take Matthew 6:5 a little more to heart.
posted by stevis at 07:33 AM on November 23, 2011
grum, I saw on Baseball Think Factory some years ago an article from someone who'd gotten the look at MLB's plans. It's pretty much an immediate dispersal draft, where teams get to protect 15 or so players off their 40 man, and a few more each time they lose a player. It's a well thought out procedure, so at least they wouldn't have to improvise in the face of tragedy.
I have doubts that the KHL is so prepared, but we'll see what they do.
Salei had a kid last spring. This is just horrible.
posted by stevis at 12:04 PM on September 07, 2011
With those uniforms, they should be snuggling up to Mr. J and plotting how to take down Batman.
posted by stevis at 09:01 AM on September 06, 2011
I'm just not getting why this is such a big deal. He behaved poorly, but not outlandishly so, and received the appropriate punishment.
posted by stevis at 08:12 AM on August 12, 2011
If he stops and runs over to fight you, he's outside the base path and automatically out, nullifying his home run.
"Basepath" only exists as a concept when trying to avoid a fielder with the ball attempting to make a tag. If you want to run out and high five the right fielder on your way around the basepaths after a home run, that would be legal.
I believe, after an ejection, a substitute would be permitted to run out your award (similar to the case where blow out your ACL stepping on a base.)
posted by stevis at 10:15 AM on August 02, 2011
ESPN has acted like a petulant child since the NHL went to Versus, burying coverage in between exhaustive dissections of every basketball highlight from both college and professional games,
They did that when they had broadcasting rights. Screw 'em. They only wanted the NHL back because the NBA will miss a half-season, as soon as they get the hot-dog no-team-game league back the NHL would have been fourth fiddle to them again.
If you're still watching ESPN for anything at this point...stop. NHL/NFL/MLB networks do a much better job of highlight coverage, and are not any less independent than ESPN has become, only with fewer segments brought to you by watery "beer."
posted by stevis at 10:36 AM on April 20, 2011
Hartnell clearly rotates so that his elbow is lined up with Alberts. Given that he did that, he could also have spun away and missed or (just grazed) him. Awful and completely disrespectful of his opponent. I'd suspend him 10-20 for that, and it's time to start suspending the coaching staff too. If their paychecks are hit maybe they'll start corralling the idiots they put on the ice.
posted by stevis at 02:17 PM on November 28, 2007
how can a small minority of teams get anything voted into a CBA? IIRC, Bettman insisted on a supermajority approval of any new labor deal (like 75% or something like that) to insure that the reasonable owners couldn't break ranks during the lockout.
posted by stevis at 08:51 AM on November 08, 2007
Old Man, of course there "aren't many individuals that could have made it yesteryear." There aren't many individuals who did make it yesteryear. You're selectively remembering the ones who survived the physical trials.
posted by stevis at 01:21 PM on June 27, 2007
No 3/26/97 Wings-Avs? Not a list worth reading then.
posted by stevis at 12:03 PM on May 16, 2007
Sosa's currently hitting .224/.278/.448. Nice power, but not getting on base enough to be productive.
posted by stevis at 09:02 AM on April 27, 2007
Urlacher should hold a press conference to discuss the fine, wearing his Vitaminwater gear. And mention "Vitaminwater" at least once a sentence.
posted by stevis at 10:22 AM on April 19, 2007
Sixth Man Infraction Spotted, 19 Years Later
So in 2028, they'll finally call that too many men on the ice penalty on the Penguins from the Stanley Cup Final?