Member since: | December 16, 2006 |
Last visit: | April 23, 2009 |
hellapuckboy has posted 0 links and 18 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
I agree with rcade, the fine is acceptable and warranted. He was late because he was doing public relations for the team.
Well, I have to disagree with both of you about the fine, even though it was a small one. He was doing charity work for the team, I repeat, for the team, so how can they feel right about punishing him in any sense of the word? I guess my question now is this, what kind of punishment are they going to deal out when he refuses to do charity work for them in the future?
posted by hellapuckboy at 10:07 AM on April 20, 2009
Sorry, it was the tired thing, I meant a couple of beers tonight, and while watching football Saturday. It's a lack of sleep thing.
posted by hellapuckboy at 05:08 PM on December 27, 2007
Nake, glad we are in agreement. Now, I guess we can go grab a beer, and watch some football tonight. Courtesy of a couple of over-reaching congressman. God bless 'em! ;-)
posted by hellapuckboy at 04:49 PM on December 27, 2007
A lot of boring, unsexy, worthwhile stuff goes through Congress. Congress does something worthwhile? Nobody told me! ;-) I realize that everything congress does isn't reported upon, but just know that congress does a lot of petty, useless things as well. Such as, strong-arming the NFL into showing a game that is, in the grand scheme of things, unimportant. Also, for every good thing in a bill, there's usually several bad. Our congress should all have high cholestrol, 'cause they sure like their pork. And dammit, I did it again!
posted by hellapuckboy at 04:21 PM on December 27, 2007
Nake, you don't know me, so why do you automatically assume that I voted for any of these fools? And they are elected to serve the public, hence they are public servants. And for the record, I served in the armed forces because I realize that we have it good, but congress is out of control. It's why I support people like Ron Paul. Now, may we PLEASE go back to talking sports?
posted by hellapuckboy at 04:04 PM on December 27, 2007
PU, I didn't mean another public servant. We all know public servants are well paid. I meant any other kind of servant (excluding public). Sorry for the confusion, but the point I was trying to make is that these people are not servants at all. Unless you would like to refer to them as self-servants. I guess that might work. :-) As for education, I wasn't asking for a quick-fix, but the education system has been in a decline for years. The last time I checked, "years" wouldn't be considered immediate action. I know that sounded a little smart-alecky, but I'm so tired right now, I couldn't come up with anything more tactful. Sorry. Btw PU, did I mention that I truly love the name?
posted by hellapuckboy at 03:48 PM on December 27, 2007
Sorry, but neither Leahy or Specter are my servants. As far as I have found, none of my servants strong-armed the NFL. By the way, do you think either Leahy or Specter is good with a bat? And l_b_b, it depends on what company they use, doesn't it?
posted by hellapuckboy at 03:35 PM on December 27, 2007
Ok PU, I will concede that, but it's unfortunate that people care more about an effing football game and will pressure their congressmen into action over it, when there are far more important things to deal with in this country. Where is the pressure from the constituents over these things? For instance, the education systems of this country are atrocious. The constituents can get immediate action over a football game, and nothing has been done about education? This is why I think this move is self-serving. Most of congress send their children to private school and therefore do not care about public schools, but everyone of them have a tv (maybe without the NFL Network?). Also, this gets lots of publicity. One more though before I stop: congress is made up of public servants, and I would like to know if you can name me one other servant who makes a six-figure salary?
posted by hellapuckboy at 03:12 PM on December 27, 2007
I think you missed the point, Nake. I would hope my congressmen would have more to worry about than what I am able to watch on TV. But really, this discussion has digressed. This is supposed to be about sports, isn't it?
posted by hellapuckboy at 02:58 PM on December 27, 2007
Lol grum, I think you and I are very much in agreement, as you can see in my previous post. It actually wasn't posted 8 minutes before yours, but more like 2, because I got called away for a minute. You get 2 thumbs up from me! Does that scare you?
posted by hellapuckboy at 02:49 PM on December 27, 2007
PU, I'm sure the congressmen had their constituents in mind when they left the stallion's head on the pillow next to Mr. Goodell. I'm sure that they would never do anything that may be a little self-serving. I focused on the USAToday, because, in Adept's response, that one specifically mentioned anti-trust. Again, I am sick of congress making people bend to their will. The NFL has an anti-trust exemption, and they were threatened with a review of it. Well, why haven't they threatened the cable companies with action over it? They are not exempt and they are the a-holes who aren't offering the network people want to watch. Hmmm, I guess the congressmen wouldn't get quite the star power with that though, would they? One more thing, if this is a problem, then what about the fact that I can't get NFL or MLB packages from anyone but DirecTV? When are we going to threaten them over this? Why stop there? I can't get any soccer except on GolTv, better go after them too! And the only channel showing the early rounds of the majors in tennis is the USA Network, and I only have local channels. I WANT THEIR HEADS! Where does it end?
posted by hellapuckboy at 02:34 PM on December 27, 2007
Hey Adept, the congressman threatened the NFL with reviewing their anti-trust exemption, so maybe you need to study. Also, I find it very funny that you link me to the USAToday, because a newspaper reporter knows everything. I was expecting a link to a copy of the constitution, only to find you get all of your pertinent info from the USAToday. I'll be rofl until New Year's Day over that.
posted by hellapuckboy at 01:34 PM on December 27, 2007
Um, my question is this, why are congressman involved in this? Which effing part of the constitution is this violating!? Unbelievable that people think it's okay for them to do this. That's why our country is so damn out-of-control, because everyone thinks that it's just fine to force others to do their bidding, as long as it works out in their favor. To be honest, I've had enough of this crap. It'd be nice to live in a truly free country, but as long as the congressional mafia can strong-arm people to their will, and the boorish masses think it to be just great, it will never be. What's the difference between the government and the mafia? The government flies flags outside their buildings.
posted by hellapuckboy at 12:50 PM on December 27, 2007
lmao, Summers:)
posted by hellapuckboy at 02:49 PM on December 16, 2006
Tony Gonzalez now a Falcon
Well, whether or not you have high expectations for them, they definitely just got better. Also, they are a lot closer to winning it all than the Chiefs are right now, and, even though I'm crying inside, I have to wish TG good luck as well.