Name: | Jim Bloomberg |
Member since: | November 15, 2006 |
Last visit: | November 29, 2006 |
Jimbloomberg has posted 0 links and 5 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
I think its interesting to see the number of athletes who once excelled at a sport and were as close to perfect form as they were going to come, "let themselves go" after they are done playing. WHen I played soccer in college, one of the things I enjoyed the most was the fitness and the body all that running and lifting gave me. It was a foundation that I've managed not to completely let go to waste in the 10 years since. I've got nothing to brag about, but I'm simply stating that sport was a perfect opportunity to create that body. There are so many former athletes that don't seem to care about keeping the same form after.
posted by Jimbloomberg at 06:18 PM on November 29, 2006
I agree that sports are changing. Athletes are bigger and stronger, and a little extra protection probably doesn't hurt anyone. As for needing custom cases...check out Nashville custom case. Cool people who do great work.
posted by Jimbloomberg at 06:25 PM on November 15, 2006
I think this is great news for muscular dystrophy as it is an ugly debilitating disease. But why can't people compete in sport just for the sheer excitement of competing to the best of your ability with your own talents and hard work? I've been involved with several different sports at a high level and it is frustrating to see people turn to illegal aids to boost their performance. I know its a fine line to define what an illegal aid is, but I am pretty sure a drug that could boost muscle production by 60% would qualify. Even after years of lifting, I can't imagine one could naturally increase muscle growth that much.
posted by Jimbloomberg at 06:16 PM on November 15, 2006
With Knight's history of "anger management issues" its no surprise that this gesture has been viewed in a more violent light than the article plays it off to be. I believe that Knight probably does have the best interests of the player's at heart...its too much work to be involved in college athletics if you are not doing it for the sport or the players...but I think there are more effective ways to communicate with your team. You can demand respect without ever laying a hand on players or by verbally berrating them.
posted by Jimbloomberg at 06:08 PM on November 15, 2006
Texans take a look at Gatlin
"'It was positive,' Kubiak said of the workout" Was he talking about the workout or his testosterone test? As a cyclist, who has seen our sport marred my drug test positives and allegations the past several years, I am in support of banning athletes from competition in any sport once they've tested positive. I am sure the NFL doesn't really scoff at that blemish on his record because of his speed. He was probably seeking a place where he could continue to use steroids without scrutiny.