Name: | James Lenon |
Member since: | October 23, 2006 |
Last visit: | March 08, 2007 |
1trusparty has posted 0 links and 6 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
Game ball has got to go to the Gators D-Line. They absolutely owned OSU's O line in a big way. I was hoping for a much better game. I think the early kick-off return by Ginn for a TD hurt OSU by not allowing them to take the field and establish some sort of flow. Florida played a great team game. There never was one superstar or go to guy and looked as if each player understood their role and also played for the man next to him. For OSU without Ginn and a O line that could protect Troy smith the buckeyes were left with no options. What I dont understand is why after being eatin up by the gators in the 1st half running their zone package why OSU didnt go to Man/Man to change it up some. OSU Defense was attrocious.
posted by 1trusparty at 11:27 AM on January 09, 2007
What would you guys say is worse. Leaving a coaching position the way Sabin did recently, or say the Larry brown situation with the Pistons back in what 04'. The situations were alittle different. The Pistons were looking at a playoff run, and Miami was basically dead in the water but personally I would rather a coach leave the way Sabin did, instead of stringing everyone along for months like Brown. He may have thought he was doing things right by his guys by not giving the press anything to go on until the season is over. Im from MSU and have been through Sabin leaving a program early. He was turning things around and there was finally something to get excited about when he went to LSU. Basically the same situation here. He's a money hungry bumm, but still a great football coach. I wish my Spartans still had him.
posted by 1trusparty at 01:28 PM on January 04, 2007
"Tressel is a gentleman" Umm, yeah which is why he lied about one of his previous votes stating he voted Texas as #1 when he really voted his own team (which wasnt a bad vote)There's not much difference between that vote, which at the time had some pretty major National championship implications and the recent vote. The only thing that this proves is that his voting record puts him right up there with the Florida voters in the 2000 pres election. It pains me to say being a lifelong MSU spartan that UofM is the true #2. The rematch should have happened, but should have also meant the death of the current BCS system. Ive been a supporter of a playoff for sometime now and have said that the first time the BCS system gives us a rematch in the National championship game it should be no more (one of the reasons I was hoping for the rematch). Ive never been a fan of second chances in football, but when there are no other teams out there good enough to take that chance away under the current system you should get it. Beyond the 1,2 and 3's Im a fan of the game and just hope that Florida can play way above their potential and give all of us fans a good game. Unfortunately I have a feeling that on January 9th were all going to be here talking about how we would have rather seen tOSU vs. UofM #2. But wait...........that would mean Football is entertainment.
posted by 1trusparty at 01:24 PM on December 06, 2006
Butch Davis would be great to look at, but Im unsure if MSU could afford him or if he's even interested. Ive said all along that it would be great if we could get someone from the NFL. Ron English would be a great catch,and to steal him from the maze and blue would be nice. A couple others that might be good for the program are Patriots Offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels, hes only 30 and worked under Saban when he was here at MSU, and the Eagles QB's coach Pat Shurmur who played under Perles. Thank God, Mariucci has no desire to coach again right now. Our guys are already pretty undiciplined, that would be taking a step in the wrong direction.
posted by 1trusparty at 09:47 AM on November 03, 2006
I seriously doubt that a Major league Umpire after talking to/or looking at KR's hand would say "Now this is your first warning, if you dont clean that off your out" Im sure that if there was anything on the hand other than dirt he would be sent packing rather quickly. Im suprised that this hasnt been brought up but all players have warm-up routines (jumping jacks, streches, push-ups ect.) and its been raining in Michigan for 2 weeks straight now. If there were times his hands were in the turf like during a push up or strech, Im sure there would be some dirt transfer and residue there. The rosin/dirt could be the culprit.
posted by 1trusparty at 02:36 PM on October 23, 2006
In a battle of image, Duke takes black eye
14 seconds left, big man ends up with the ball in the paint being mobbed by three dukies. Instinct says put the ball up(which he did). Coachs K's comments may have a little bit of merit if NC was running a play in order to run the score up, but Hansborough ended up with the ball after a rebound of a missed free throw. Hansborough's sub was set to come in after that free throw. K's comments are bunk