Name: | Charles Dickens |
Member since: | October 02, 2006 |
Last visit: | October 13, 2006 |
Status: | visitor |
LA-4-Life has posted 0 links and 40 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 1 comment to the Locker Room.
what I do not understand is the mob mentality that thinks that an 8 year old throwing a baseball at another kid is a jailable offense. Are you retarded? You don't think that hitting someone in the head with a baseball is assault? Wake up man. You're right, the kid wasn't seriously injured (thank god), but I'm sure if I hit you or one of your children with a baseball (with the intent of hurting them) you would want to see me do some jail time. What do you consider a "jailable" offense? Murder? Rape? Or are you sympathetic to the situation because you have had similiar thoughts? I hope you stay away from youth sports and children in general.
posted by LA-4-Life at 05:51 PM on October 13, 2006
Its another example of the "Al Bundy" syndrome. I mean, move on with your life buddy. So you never made the varsity baseball team in high school, boo-hoo. People like this should be castrated. I hope someone in the jail he goes to finds out what he did and f*cks his a^* up. Literally. From what I hear, most prisoners don't take kindly to people who hurt women and children.
posted by LA-4-Life at 09:25 PM on October 12, 2006
As long as there is no profanity or racist rhetoric being spouted, then everyone else should sit back and have a laugh at the crazy bitch. She enjoys football, obviously a lot more than the people around her. Fans are supposed to be loud. It sounded like she was just cheering (albeit pretty stupid cheers) for her favorite team. If you want quiet, stay home and watch the game on mute. Otherwise have the balls to ask the lady to shut up or just deal with it. Everyone has choices. Also, she seemed like the type of person who would have responded quite well to a nice " Could you please keep it down a little, you're interupting my enjoyment of the game." She sounded remorseful for bothering the people at the game. It also sounded as if she had no control over how she cheered because she would rather avoid the games then try to attend and watch it quietly. She could come sit in the "Black Hole". The Raiders could use all the support they can get.
posted by LA-4-Life at 05:36 PM on October 12, 2006
You obviously do not shop at a 7-11 on the south side. Everything's free with the gun you carry in, the tickets are a bonus. We get the same discount in LA.
posted by LA-4-Life at 08:40 PM on October 11, 2006
I would admit that this rule would have the most effect on a cry baby like Wallace, however I seriously doubt that the NBA came up with the rule because of or for Rasheed Wallace.
posted by LA-4-Life at 05:21 PM on October 11, 2006
I would admit that this rule would have the most effect on a cry baby like Wallace, however I seriously doubt that the NBA came up with the rule because of or for Rasheed Wallace.
posted by LA-4-Life at 05:21 PM on October 11, 2006
I am 100% for this rule change. Obviously someone noticed that players were arguing more frequently with officials and decided that it has a negative impact on how the sport is perceived. I agree. The funny part of this article is Rasheed Wallace's comment about this being a "Sheed Wallace Rule". I'm sure the NBA is not concerned about making rules for a guy that averages 14 points a game. Someone should have spanked that kid while he was growing up.
posted by LA-4-Life at 02:37 PM on October 11, 2006
By the way LA-4-Life, what kind of 'youth league' has kids calling officials MFer's? LOL I used to coach an 8-10 year old team for my local park and rec and you would be suprised by the things that I heard those kids say. how many times did Michael Jordan, Larry Bird or even Magic Johnson go and talk to a ref after being given a foul? Just because they are some of the best players ever doesn't mean that they are immune to making mistakes. Also, there is a difference between talking and arguing. For example, you might say, " I know that was a foul, but what can I do next time to avoid the foul." instead of "Man, that was a f'd up call you son'a biatch mf'er. I'm gonna kick your ass after the game you little piece of sh*t." I'm sure you would not get a technical or ejected for the first one.
posted by LA-4-Life at 02:31 PM on October 11, 2006
Now there's talk of players recieving a technical foul if they so happen to disagree with a call. If they started instituting this in the youth leagues as well, I think it would have a benefitial impact on the game. Arguing with the referee is pointless. You can disagree with whatever you want, but arguing is not going to get you anywhere and honestly makes the complainer look like an ass. It seems that now days every time the ref blows the whistle someone is crying or yelling or stomping. Its all really B.S. I can agree that in some instances it seems as though the officials are taking control of the game, however it is their job to make sure that things don't get out of hand. Also, I'm pretty sure that they make the same money regardless of the outcome of any game. Arguing with the Ref and calling him a m*th*r f*ck*r should be reserved for the fans. The players also make the same money regardless of the outcome of the game.
posted by LA-4-Life at 01:07 PM on October 11, 2006
If it weren't for that, the Padres wouldn't have gotten to where they did. Actually, if they didn't have the benefit of playing against the other weak teams in the NL West, they probably wouldn't even have broken .500.
posted by LA-4-Life at 04:22 PM on October 09, 2006
If someone came to your work and changed your computer system without asking you about it, I can guarantee you would all be crying about it. I've seen it happen at my office, with chairs. One day we come in to new chairs (which I actually liked) and a few people were threatening to quit by the end of the day. I now it sounds ridiculous but its life. People have a natural tendency to avoid change at all costs.
posted by LA-4-Life at 04:20 PM on October 09, 2006
Is Pittsburgh as bad as they appear? Ben Rothlesburger is the most over-rated QB in the league. He has had success in terms of W-L record, however he is not a great quarterback like Palmer or Brady. Now that they can't run the ball, he is in big trouble. Can the Raiders get any worse?
posted by LA-4-Life at 04:17 PM on October 09, 2006
How could the Cards look so awful the last couple of weeks and then take out the Pads like it was no big deal? The Padres couldn't hit their way out of a paper sack. If you put more than 4 runs up against them then you win. Simple as that. The Cards just had wayyyyyyy to much fire power. The NL West is just obviously the weakest Division in baseball.
posted by LA-4-Life at 02:55 PM on October 09, 2006
UT tells woman she cheers too much
the woman sitting behind me had a cow bell Must have been a stupid Sacramento Kings fan.