I play high school football in the exact area were this atricle is refering to, my coach is often on the list of the highest paied coaches in the heart of football country in texas,this is the most commpetive high school sports area in the world ,our coach left a division 3 collage to coach high school football and that is all he does all day. the movie "Friday Night Lights" is just like my football program. We have football as a class and get credit toward graduating just for playing football, some players around here are more famous even then those who play on the cowboys
posted by goraccoons at 07:49 PM on August 29, 2006
"Fields of Green: High School Pay."
I play high school football in the exact area were this atricle is refering to, my coach is often on the list of the highest paied coaches in the heart of football country in texas,this is the most commpetive high school sports area in the world ,our coach left a division 3 collage to coach high school football and that is all he does all day. the movie "Friday Night Lights" is just like my football program. We have football as a class and get credit toward graduating just for playing football, some players around here are more famous even then those who play on the cowboys