kjparker's profile

Name: Kurt J Parker
Member since: August 16, 2006
Last visit: May 04, 2007

kjparker has posted 0 links and 1 comment to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

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Why we look the other way.

If we become permissive of PED's, and in fact they become the standard and a requirement for competing in professional athletics (and by default, college and high school), then the issue transferes from that of "sports idol" to "sports competitor". As a father (not of a boy, but I can still sympathize), the fear of burying my child far excedes any puritan interest. So now I am left with an unnatural and unnecessary choice. Restrict competitive sports, or condone this life altering behaviour. I would like to think that we care enough about our children to see that this isn't about follow our idols as much as conforming to a norm that will (has?) quickly bleed from the upper echelon, where very, very few people reside, to the common school athlete, where dare I say most of us have been.

posted by kjparker at 02:32 PM on March 20, 2007