Hey, honorificabilitudinitatibus is a webbed foot animal with a duck bill that swims in the water. Doc Goodin is swimming today in the crowbar hotel and I don't feel sorry for him. Just think of the small % of people in this country that make it to the big time and then lose their ability to retain sense. Also, barry Bond's is a loser. Roger maris is the homerun leader and Oh Can You See Canseco is nothing but ---- in my eyes. Bond's needs to hide his face in shame. Small man that can't admit to drug enhancement. Hank Arron is the man in Black Athletes in Baseball and he is the only one with a ligitemate record that beat the Babe. He earned it and should be recognized for it. Bond's McGuire, Sosa, Canseco, Giambi, Goodin, Strawberry, Howe and all the rest should be banned from sports period. BRING BACK Pete Rose he earned it and gambling doesn't even come close to drugs. We all gamble every time we leave our house and if the sports writers association members all think they have wings and a hallo, then they are stupid. They are not PERFECT, no one is. Do I think Pete Rose belongs in the Hall of Fame, betyoursweetassido. Now that's a word. Bond's is a sublimeoderiferouseminator and is a black mark on the sport of baseball.
"Doc" Gooden back in jail,
Hey, honorificabilitudinitatibus is a webbed foot animal with a duck bill that swims in the water. Doc Goodin is swimming today in the crowbar hotel and I don't feel sorry for him. Just think of the small % of people in this country that make it to the big time and then lose their ability to retain sense. Also, barry Bond's is a loser. Roger maris is the homerun leader and Oh Can You See Canseco is nothing but ---- in my eyes. Bond's needs to hide his face in shame. Small man that can't admit to drug enhancement. Hank Arron is the man in Black Athletes in Baseball and he is the only one with a ligitemate record that beat the Babe. He earned it and should be recognized for it. Bond's McGuire, Sosa, Canseco, Giambi, Goodin, Strawberry, Howe and all the rest should be banned from sports period. BRING BACK Pete Rose he earned it and gambling doesn't even come close to drugs. We all gamble every time we leave our house and if the sports writers association members all think they have wings and a hallo, then they are stupid. They are not PERFECT, no one is. Do I think Pete Rose belongs in the Hall of Fame, betyoursweetassido. Now that's a word. Bond's is a sublimeoderiferouseminator and is a black mark on the sport of baseball.