cuabigdog's profile

Name: Marty Murray
Member since: March 12, 2006
Last visit: December 07, 2007

cuabigdog has posted 0 links and 2 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

Recent Comments

Knight gets win No. 880, passing Smith

being involved in athletics for over twenty years i have been around coaches who have never ever grabbed a player what so ever.. there is never ever any need to physically grab a player to get his attention or to get him to play better.. let alone just a regular student like Knight did.. you can get more out of a player by talking to him not down to him

posted by cuabigdog at 08:02 PM on January 03, 2007

A Man�s Place at a Woman�s Practice Faces Limits

what does it really matter who is used for practices.. you would think that the NCAA has more important things to worry about ..

posted by cuabigdog at 07:55 PM on January 03, 2007