And by the way (I posted this in another thread), it is at all concerning to you that on the front page of CNN right now is Bond's face, with 5 articles linked to it (including a 3 page one), and a whole BOOK about this. Yet Kirby Pucket just passed away and the media talks about his Clemente award, and there's a thread in this sports filter 64 posts long talking about how good he was, yet the man was accused of - Wife caught him in an affair with a mistress he had for 18 years (including other affairs as well) - put a cocked gun to her head as she held their then-2-year-old daughter - tried to strangle her with an electrical cord - locked her in the basement - threatened his mistress - accused of sexual assualt in a bathroom There's something wrong with people's priorities Notice that nowhere in that list of accusations does it say "cheating at baseball" or anything else related to the game. So why should any of it enter into a discussion about how good of a baseball player Kirby Puckett was? Surely you can see the difference, and how it relates to the game of baseball, between the charges leveled against Puckett and those leveled against Bonds.
Shit, fan. Fan, shit.
And by the way (I posted this in another thread), it is at all concerning to you that on the front page of CNN right now is Bond's face, with 5 articles linked to it (including a 3 page one), and a whole BOOK about this. Yet Kirby Pucket just passed away and the media talks about his Clemente award, and there's a thread in this sports filter 64 posts long talking about how good he was, yet the man was accused of - Wife caught him in an affair with a mistress he had for 18 years (including other affairs as well) - put a cocked gun to her head as she held their then-2-year-old daughter - tried to strangle her with an electrical cord - locked her in the basement - threatened his mistress - accused of sexual assualt in a bathroom There's something wrong with people's priorities Notice that nowhere in that list of accusations does it say "cheating at baseball" or anything else related to the game. So why should any of it enter into a discussion about how good of a baseball player Kirby Puckett was? Surely you can see the difference, and how it relates to the game of baseball, between the charges leveled against Puckett and those leveled against Bonds.