brilliant. buckner was made into such a patsy by idiot resox fans.
posted by sirvomitousIV at 12:13 AM on April 11, 2006
I'm a Blues fan(sorry) and even I can not hate this guy. He has killed my team so many times but no one with any sense of hockey history can feel anything towards him but total respect. The greatest compliment I can pay him - the captain's captain.
posted by sirvomitousIV at 12:55 AM on April 02, 2006
St. Louis Cardinals - a respectable 649 games above .500
posted by sirvomitousIV at 12:40 PM on April 01, 2006
dentists can't play basketball
posted by sirvomitousIV at 12:07 PM on March 14, 2006
Missouri State got jobbed. Packer is a bigger asshole each year.
posted by sirvomitousIV at 01:51 PM on March 13, 2006
insanely funny ..,. i thought he was dead
posted by sirvomitousIV at 11:12 PM on March 09, 2006
hated him in '87 when i was 10 years old and he helped beat my cardinals. 5 years later i named a cat after him. godspeed.
posted by sirvomitousIV at 11:11 PM on March 06, 2006
Over and over in the 2nd period.
posted by sirvomitousIV at 10:12 AM on February 26, 2006
I don't know...ask the NHL
posted by sirvomitousIV at 02:16 AM on February 18, 2006
Mets add another starter
good move. he has a surprising number of k's this season. he will do well in ny