USA MNT receives highest ever FIFA ranking: Number 5.
Since the rankings are based on what are essentially all-star teams (i.e. Arena has to have used over 100 players in his work-up to WC06), do you all think it makes sense (or is even fair) to rank them? In addition to MLS, we have 1st, 2d, & 3d tier European based players and he has used all of them. So are these more an assessment of the status of soccer in 200+ nations or actual teams? I think the former.
posted by willyboy23 at 09:52 AM on March 16, 2006
USA MNT receives highest ever FIFA ranking: Number 5.
Since the rankings are based on what are essentially all-star teams (i.e. Arena has to have used over 100 players in his work-up to WC06), do you all think it makes sense (or is even fair) to rank them? In addition to MLS, we have 1st, 2d, & 3d tier European based players and he has used all of them. So are these more an assessment of the status of soccer in 200+ nations or actual teams? I think the former.