Well the Steelers were a just better team and most the comercials were great!
posted by Fan at 11:17 PM on February 05, 2006
Well I don't know but I have aways thought that Hall of Famers should be like heros in a way. Outstanding and talented individuals. Poeple that kids look up to. Hmm lets see...would I want my son to shoot for being like Michael Irvin or say the likes of Brett Farve. It may not be totally fair to Irvin, but it seems to be the nature of the lime light. Pete Rose has been treated unfairly in my book too, but what ya gonna do.
posted by Fan at 12:56 PM on February 04, 2006
I am in agreement with all of the teams mentioned, but how about the "72' Dolphins?
posted by Fan at 04:16 PM on February 02, 2006
Raiders look to the past for a coach,
oh................nice move Al...idiot!