This article is pretty priceless: The Bobcat: Athletic, Fierce, & Hardworking Nobody in the NBA has to worry about their mascot being too lame as long as the Raptors remain in the league, though...
posted by eldoop at 05:50 PM on June 11, 2003
Bernreuther, it's really surprising that you're a Yankees fan and you have that sort of vitriol for Pedro. I thought Yankees fans were above the rivalry, content to buy the pennant every year. That said, the claims of racism are fairly unfounded. When Pedro was robbed of the MVP, it went to Ivan Rodriguez. Barry Zito winning the ALCY last year was similar to Karl Malone winning the NBA MVP a few years back; everyone was tired of giving it to MJ. The hullabaloo over Sosa seems to have a lot more to do with the fact that the guy is obviously (to some) juicing, and his accomplishments were already questionable before the incident. So the real question is, what is so awful about Pedro's life that he's in such a foul mood all the time lately? I suppose it could be the constant injuries or finishing in second place for 5 years running...
posted by eldoop at 12:46 PM on June 06, 2003
It took me 3 tries, but I got it down to 43. It took an unbelievably lucky second shot on that sadistic 17th to do it, though. Great link. Thanks.
posted by eldoop at 04:17 PM on June 02, 2003
Hear, hear, vito90. Randy Johnson = cool. Barry Sanders = supercool. Ugueth Urbina = not so cool.
posted by eldoop at 02:52 PM on May 30, 2003
Hillenbrand is a fine hitter, but his lack of discipline doesn't bode well for future success. Kim may be flaky, but he's clearly a step up from Bruce Chen. And with the Sox's glut of 1B/DH types and Bill Mueller playing very well at 3B, there's really no way the Sox can lose trading Hillenbrand. This will mean more PT for Ortiz/Millar/Giambi, all of whom are capable of Hillenbrand's performance. Also, Shea is from Arizona, so with any luck he'll be happy to go home and will produce well for the D-Backs.
posted by eldoop at 03:07 PM on May 29, 2003
Table Tennis!
I was severely addicted to this game for a time several months ago. I could fairly consistently skunk any of the computer players. The trick is consistency and keeping the computer player moving. Eventually, they'll miss the table.