How gloriously, and indeed thankfully, un-PC. Gotta love the Aussies!
posted by niall at 09:42 AM on November 29, 2006
10 months is a long time in rugby and New Zealand have perenially underachieved since their victory in the inaugural WC. Although one can never write off France and Australia (possibly even Ireland) in a one off knock-out game, I'd say the mighty AB's are as close to invincible that it's possible to get and I'd put their chances of winning at greater than 75%.
posted by niall at 12:03 PM on November 27, 2006
I wonder if he has an opinion about female sports agents?!
posted by niall at 03:55 PM on November 13, 2006
Although an English Chelski fan, this is a great idea for the future of the National team. Will put a big premium on British Keepers too.
posted by niall at 09:22 AM on November 03, 2006
I'm a Chelsea fan and I don't think Hunt meant it at all. The damage was done mainly due to Cech's sideways momentum sliding him into Hunt's path after the ball was in the keeper's hands. A more experienced player would probably have pulled out way before Hunt did, but it was 100% accidental. The Cudicini challenge was reckless by Sonko, but again, I don't think he meant to catch him. The impact was worsened by the fact that Cudicini was jumping with a fair bit of forward momentum that Sonko couldn't have been anticipating. At worst a booking for Sonko, no action against Hunt. And as per the Gallas saga, once again it saddens me that the Special One has to act in such a hubris manner. Dave Sexton and Peter "The King" Osgood" would be turning in their graves.
posted by niall at 09:48 PM on October 16, 2006
There's no arse in class...
posted by niall at 09:08 PM on October 03, 2006
As a Chelsea fan, this tawdry episode saddens me. Despite the fact that Gallas was unhappy for much of his time there, nobody can seriously question his application and professionalism on the pitch. Case in point his goal in the last minute against Spurs to win the game. Chelsea's statement fails to name the person(s) to whom the alleged remarks were supposed to have been made, although this doesn't mean Gallas didn't say them. Even if he did, I seriously doubt he would have carried out his threat as this would not have boded well for his future career. Jose needs to cut the hubris attitude and show more class. As for any lawsuit, it will be settled out of Court. Whether Gallas said it or not, Chelsea will "find" a witness and the whole sorry affair will be swept under the carpet where it belongs.
posted by niall at 11:26 AM on September 05, 2006
That's nothing. You forget that the illustrious leader of North Korea, Kim Jong II, "shot 11 holes in one" on his first golf outing!
posted by niall at 07:02 PM on August 25, 2006
Eto'o was clearly played onside by the defender in the middle rather than the right back. Sublime lay off from Henrik though. One cannot help but wonder that if Henry hadn't been bitching to Arsene for the entire 2nd half, whether he would have scored when through on his own. One thing's for sure after the love-fest witnessed between him and Samuel after the game, whispered words to boot, Thierry boy is off to Barca next season. Hardened cynics might conclude that a high profile rift with one's manager and equal in stubborness might facilitate one's departure with the lame "I didn't have any other choice" excuse hanging tangibly in the autumn air left by one's marvelous golden wake.
posted by niall at 07:15 PM on May 17, 2006
Rather than take one of the clearly second best UK homeboys, why not give Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the position? The issue of the Press intruding on his life isn't going to bother him and he'd give us some awesome one liners!
posted by niall at 04:45 PM on April 28, 2006
Great post, Owlhouse. I vaguely remember watching the final, aged 4, with my usually placid dad leaping around like a crazed person. I fear, Squealy, that with Sven at the reins, we'll all be waiting a while longer. Player for player, we're probably a match for even the mighty Brazil, but unless 3 things happen, we're toast. 1) Becks has to play on the right side of midfield and forget the delusions of grandeur - stick to what he's best at; 2) Lamps and Gerrard have to learn to gel and 3) The formation has to be 4-5-1. Although quite who could play the holding role (not that this will ever happen with the Svenster) is open to debate. Sigh...
posted by niall at 10:18 PM on April 08, 2006
I'm guessing, Huge, that even you would have to admit that is a tad more accurate than worldcupbl(a)g?
posted by niall at 12:28 PM on April 03, 2006
Because it was on the Internet, it's true, eh Hugh? C'mon, Mr. Gullible, read this and wise up...
posted by niall at 12:21 PM on April 03, 2006
I'd take those figures with a pinch of salt...! Try any search of the world's best paid athletes to prove this wrong.
posted by niall at 09:47 AM on April 03, 2006
Owlhouse- I think that what the Grauniad meant was that Becks was the best British player on the pitch after Woodgate had limped off yet again. Funny how the old hamstring's never been the same since he and that friendly chap Bowyer went out clubbing several years back...!
posted by niall at 10:19 AM on February 22, 2006
As a Chelski fan, it galls me to have to admit it that the Arsenal boys "done good". But Real were majorly out of sorts; ZZ was bottom, not top and Becks had a mare. Sadly, I fear that Barca tomorrow will be a different proposition, even if the doctored, sorry, muddy (honest!) pitch detracts from their passing game. Have to say though, that I think the winner this year will be Barca, Juve or Lyon.
posted by niall at 10:30 PM on February 21, 2006
As the old adage says, "There's no "I" in "team" and re the long haired braying one, there is a "U" in "CU*T"! Guess the Mido touch isn't as golden as he'd like to believe...
posted by niall at 08:56 AM on February 08, 2006
"Dreadful situation for an 18 year old to find himself in", eh, Squealy? The $75,000 weekly salary he'll soon receive might alleviate some of his woes, poor lamb!
posted by niall at 08:25 PM on February 05, 2006
50 Heartbreaking Moments in Sport...
Let me see, Cameron Frye... Rugby, cricket, soccer, lacrosse, rowing, boxing, golf, tennis, horse racing, auto racing, badminton, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, sailing, wrestling, shooting... just some of a much longer list. How many of these originated in the US? Of course you guys have given the world football (big debt owed to soccer and rugby), ice hockey (hockey played on ice!) and basketball (invented by a Canadian). Which leaves baseball. Although it has an uncanny resemblance to the British folk game of stoolball. I'd suggest that your comment that "the Brits know sports like the French Army knows resistance" is at best, ridiculous.