Hi, I've just come across this page from some RSS feeds and its great to see that our club is generating so much interest on this side of the pond - i don't think that it is purely an English thing, nor is it a purely soccer thing, but more and more people are being disenfranchised with the game they love. Texan_lost_in_NY FC United of Manchester is set up on a one member, one vote basis, the only way this can change is if we, the members, were to vote for it (and the phrase, "turkeys voting for Chirstmas" springs to mind there) - it is a little more complicated in that provisions are set up to ensure that memebership cannot be rigged by third parties. For those that are interested in pressreports Punkfootball.net is a resource that has collected together most of the media reports on our club since its beginnings last June. There are 2 short tlelevision programmes here for those who don't like to read too much ;) Granada Soccer Night short clip from 3 days ago very interesintg Half-hour doc covering the whole set-up and interviews with many concerend at 'big' united as well as FC United
posted by toast at 02:27 AM on January 15, 2006
Big Success for Little United
Hello all - just back from.... Accrington (who?....exxxxactly*) after watching a 1-3 victory for FC United over Nelson and another great day out skydivedad you can order replica shirts here - this year they have no sponsorship, so look particularly good - whether they will never have sponsorshiop is something that remains to be seen - can we be like barcelona and never have it? i would like to think so.... *little joke there for any english viewers....