That is sad I pray for the comfort and the spirit of a sound-mind to protect his family.
posted by d.west at 03:03 PM on December 20, 2005
Without a doubt David should get a raise from And1.
posted by d.west at 02:59 PM on December 20, 2005
David West is most improved. He went from being a 6ppg, 4rpg, 0.18apg, donut-dunker to 16.0ppg,7.3rrg,1.5apg monster dunker. He's got my vote.
posted by d.west at 02:58 PM on December 20, 2005
Why doesn't everybody log on to and vote for D30 (D.West). And by the way his mom goes to my church just in case you're wondering why in the world am i making such a big deal out of this.