He surely won't make a difference. He hasn't in Chicago for several years. He never impressed me much!
posted by jusafan at 07:18 PM on January 25, 2006
This is yet another case of an overpaid player looking a gift horse in the mouth. He's been suspended and fined numerous times over the last few years. He's an idiot who is going to ruin his career...poor baby!
posted by jusafan at 05:38 PM on January 12, 2006
Wrigs-I think you should stop trying to turn every single subject into a "TO" bash. This was about the Bears' players; not about TO. Try to keep your comments to the subject-at-hand, huh? And, for my two-cents, I think neither should be fined, what happens off the job hould stay off the job.
posted by jusafan at 04:43 PM on December 09, 2005
Wrigley, I see you're a huge fan of the Trib. Co. too. Won't spend the money for a series, because they make enough to line their pockets. Who cares about the fans, huh?
posted by jusafan at 11:21 AM on December 01, 2005
wfrazerjr, that was you? I wondered where all my singles went!
posted by jusafan at 03:52 PM on November 29, 2005
steelcityguy: make sure you also say you would rather work with a co-worker with "more class" from another company. That should get ya a good week or two off with pay!
posted by jusafan at 03:23 PM on November 29, 2005
Why couldn't that game have been played at Soldier Field? Chicago really is a boring town lately!
posted by jusafan at 03:04 PM on November 29, 2005
Whatever T.O. gets, he deserves. NFL and all other pro sports players end up being role models for kids. I know I wouldn't want any kids I might have taking their behavior examples from him. I hope no one takes the chance on him and he leaves the league. I like football for the sport; not the off the field drama.
posted by jusafan at 09:57 AM on November 25, 2005
Big Ben Parties Like A Champ!
He's such a rock star! I love it!