The Magic, their biggest mistake was giving Penny Hardaway $55 million bonus when he had not won a playoff game after only one season, and then letting Shaq go to the Lakers. They've had their problems for a very long time and how J.J. Riddick work with the madness going on in Orlando?
posted by Crickette at 11:26 AM on September 22, 2006
I don't think so, The NFC South is the best Divsion in Football. Three of the teams have domonated football for the past 5 years; one winning the Superbowl Tampa Bay and the two others have made good runs at the Superbowl, Atlanta and Carolina. Also, the Saints have beaten them all and they didn't have a team. The year Tampa won the superbowl they lost the Saints twice that year. The Sanits will make everyone honest this year.
posted by Crickette at 06:14 PM on August 24, 2006
Whlie I didn't like either of these teams, Dallas is the team to beat. No one expects Shaq to hit freethrows; after all when has he been a successful freethrow shooter? I do expect them to play better, because Riley will execute all who don't measure up. All except Shaq and his freethrows. It's amazing that Shaq has been in the league since 1991 or 1992 and he hasn't improved his freethrow shooting, I wonder why. If Dallas wins on Sunday, school could be out by the end of next week.
posted by Crickette at 11:04 AM on June 09, 2006
I fail to understand how a man who has never tested positive for drugs of any kind; can receive an asterisk after his his greatest accomplishment. The player in Baltimore, who went before Congress said he had never used drugs and then tested positive for drugs; what goes after his name? Is he still in the game and if so why? When I woke up this morning, I could have sworn I was in America. In the America, you are innocent until proven guilty. I'm not a Barry Bonds fan, I'm a Dodger fan and we hate the (giants); but I am a fan of justice and truth. Until he is tested and it is proven that he does or has used drugs to inprove his game, there should be no asterisk. I think that if one of you were in the same boat, you would want to receive a trial aleast, before they hanged you.
posted by Crickette at 10:00 AM on May 25, 2006
As I remember it, Magic wasn't married until after he found out he was infected. To look at him now, you would never have known he is infected.
posted by Crickette at 01:54 PM on March 03, 2006
Yeah, Mark Cuban says he owns Phil Jackson; to bad he doesn't own Steve Nash. My take on the MVP, is that, it goes to the player who brings the most to his team and the makes a positive contribution to the NBA itself. Steve Nash is a great player; but my money goes to Lebron James, or Kobe. The second half of the season should say it all. If it's to be Kobe, then he begin to act like Isaiah Thomas did in the '80's and turn the team around. If it's James, he will continue to preform as he last night. Don't get me wrong, but Steve Nash seems to disappear in games when you need him the most. Who knows, the MVP of the Allstar game, may very well be the MVP of the league.
posted by Crickette at 10:59 AM on February 16, 2006
Listen, unless Lebron gets some help and a great coach, he will never win anything. While he is a great player, he's not going anywhere. Phil Jackson, is one of the best coaches in the modern era. I believe with some help, he can win atlest two more titles in LA. The Laker problem is not coaching, but a good GM. Mitch the Bitch, needs to make moves to improve the Laker from line. Mark Cuban is Jealous, because he too, will never win a chapionship, and he knows it. Dallas is a good team on paper, but no defense playing Dirk weakens them. Dirk can score 35 points in a night, while giving up 36. Dallas will probably get knocked out of the playoffs again, by a lesser team like the Lakers, again.
posted by Crickette at 11:20 AM on February 09, 2006
Miami, FIU have 31 suspended for role in brawl
I'm sorry, call me oldschool. I beleive they should loose their scholarships and and a few should go to jail. This is college foorball, not the hood. I mean, I played and sometimes you do get mad as hell; but where were those on their team with the level head. I look at this brawl and I think, Hoodlum. If they didn't football ability, they'd be on the street slinging dope, or robbing some store. Whatever happen to integrety, and honor. Is there no one on that team with self esteem? Hoodrats eeveryone of them. It's a shame and all they teceived was a slap on the wrist. I repeat, they should have lost their scholarship and some of them should have gone to jail.