Hold up Hater, are u saying Yzerman is on the same leval as Gretzky. Thas insane. And Bourque is no where near Orr either.
posted by tupacalypse at 11:50 AM on August 31, 2006
I'm really sick of hearing people say he should have retired years ago. F that. It's his life and if he wants to play until he's 70 who the f are we to tell him no. Just like i should not be able to tell you when to retire from your chosen career we should shut our mouths about sports figures. The only sport wich i belive it is acceptable is boxing due to health problems exe. Ali. Other than that it's his life to live. Shut Up.
posted by tupacalypse at 03:39 PM on August 20, 2006
I don't understand why you would be against this pick up. Last year in his 43 games for Ottawa he had a 2.09 GAA, and a 9.25 save percentage. If healthy, he is still one of the best, no dourbt about it. Great pick up at that price for Detroit.
posted by tupacalypse at 02:48 PM on July 31, 2006
I hate broduer. Devils Suck.
posted by tupacalypse at 09:45 AM on January 30, 2006
No one mentioned Mike Tyson at all. Im very suprised. Fuck Brodeur
posted by tupacalypse at 03:25 PM on January 25, 2006
I also hate the shotout. I have no problem with no ties, but if they want no ties they should have a 4 on 4 overtime for 10 min. followed by a 3 on 3 overtime if needed. To me the sudden death ot is more exciting than the shotout. GO RANGERS Prucha for the CALDER
posted by tupacalypse at 03:37 PM on December 30, 2005
Fuck Ruiz. He is a pussy ass no talent piece of trash. Thank you
posted by tupacalypse at 08:39 PM on December 15, 2005
He shouyld be arested and pounded up the ass by every inmate
posted by tupacalypse at 08:57 PM on October 13, 2005
I just want to say thank you mess for bringing my team a cup. Thanks for all the memories. Thanks for being a part of something great. I will miss watching you play, and good luck with your future.
posted by tupacalypse at 04:02 PM on September 12, 2005
I really hope they do call things throughout the entire year. The game just has not been the same since sefenders started holding up players. It slows the game down and makes it boring to fans. I hope the go back to the 80's style of play where the ice was open players like gretzky were able to use the entire ice, and make great passes go on fast breaks, and create scoring oppertunities. If he started his career in 95, he would not be able to do half of what he did in the 80's. P.S. Messier is god. Go RANGERS!!
posted by tupacalypse at 02:13 PM on September 08, 2005
The next big brand in sports?
This sounds like a bad idea to me. Just play the game like it's always been played.