the tribe will go to the playoffs and it will be by wild card
posted by frontboski at 02:04 PM on July 09, 2005
but i will say congrats to travis im from cleveland and a die hard indians fan finally something to cheer about
posted by frontboski at 12:17 AM on July 08, 2005
he maybe of just got hot this month but i believe he got snubbed especially when scott rolen gets in for only playing like 30 games this season
posted by frontboski at 12:12 AM on July 08, 2005
who gives a shit what he says i guess we as americans cant say what we want anymore just because he is a sports star he cant say what he believes i dont remember reading that in the first amendment
posted by frontboski at 10:08 PM on June 16, 2005
Cavs finally succeed.
hughes was a good sign but if we dont make the playoffs something is def wrong prob the luck of cleveland