Enough is enough with this God Bless America. I see people not putting their hands over their hearts for the national anthem but doing it for God Bless America. Don't get me wrong here, its a nice song but thats all it is. It's not our national anthem and does not deserve the same respect. If we give it the same respect as the national anthem then maybe we should do the same for "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". It's just another mistake by the NYPD. Thankfully it happened to a Yankee Fan and not a Boston fan. Only 79 years until the Yankees win it again!
posted by sox1903 at 10:07 PM on September 03, 2008
Though it would be nice for everybody to know english, this is a free country and freedom of speech is one of our many God-given rights. We as Americans should be the ones learning other languages instead of being too stubborn to learn anything but english. You will get much further by learning another language and if you don't want to learn another language, respect those who do. On the other hand though if this rule is allowed, then I doubt that it would affect many people because in most countries where english is not the first or official language, many if not most of the people know english or some other language other then there first. It would be wrong and a humiliation to the LPGA if this rule is put into action so just let them all play.
posted by sox1903 at 11:44 PM on August 27, 2008
I for one do believe that there were at least two or three girls that are underage. It is a fact though that on average the height of the Chinese team was shorter than that of the US team but event with this in mind they still looked too young. You could tell just by the way there faces look and from the news reports that I have seen and heard there is a good amount of information to say that these girls are too young. Unless the Chinese government can provide more records on there age other than a passport that of which they have complete control over on the information in it, they should be stripped of there medals because if the US did anything like this we would never here the end of it.
posted by sox1903 at 05:51 PM on August 23, 2008
Can they do this more often at least for the next five games so that the Red Sox can take first?
posted by sox1903 at 12:20 AM on August 20, 2008
I am a very big Red Sox fan and I don't like seeing a legend, or anybody for that matter, have to go through this. From what I've read Yaz is doing well. A thing like this can really bring you down to earth and cause you to realize that no one, not even a great, such as Carl Yastrzemski, is immortal. I will pray for a quick and speedy recovery and another 69 years of life. Get well soon Yaz and happy birthday.
posted by sox1903 at 12:18 AM on August 20, 2008
Hope she wins gold.
posted by sox1903 at 10:15 PM on July 07, 2008
I am very happy to see that there will be 7 Red Sox present at the game and 4 will be starting plus Terry Francona is our manager. Red Sox Nation will be well represented by not only players but also fans at Yankees Stadium's last All-Star Game. The infeild would be even better if the starting players at 3rd Base and Shortstop weren't Yankee players. Overall I think the choices were good even though there were a couple of players missing that I would have liked to have seen started. Hopefully the AL will win so that when the Red Sox go to the World Series again we get homefield advantage which will led to another title and next year Terry will be back.
posted by sox1903 at 10:10 PM on July 07, 2008
Report: Brady's Injury Torn ACL
So much for the completion of the perfect season. I'm just hoping to make the playoffs. I kind of feel like we're the underdogs now with a QB who hasn't started a game since 1999 when he was in high school. Hopefully he will recover quickly and we can expect to see him next year.