Contemplate this: Money List $29,091 182nd Driving Distance (Yards Per) 288.2 41st Driving Accuracy 45.9% 196th Total Driving 237 152nd Greens Hit in Regulation 58.0% 180th Putting (Per Hole) 1.844 170th Sand Saves 43.2% 140th Birdies (Per Round) 3.05 126th Eagles (Holes Per) Go ahead, tell us why you would sponsor this guy...
posted by falconrod at 07:47 PM on March 14, 2008
Go ahead guys, coddle away. Stick your noses as far up his as you want. He's a "has been" that better get his shit together or he's gonna have to find another occupation. He even admits that if the Sponsor's Exemptions run out he's SOL. Hasn't made enough money at this sport you guys say he's so good at to pay the entry fees. Forget what he did yrs ago, where's the proof now. Pull your heads out boys, look at what's there instead of what used to be there... BTW, any of you smart guys want to guess at his world ranking...
posted by falconrod at 07:36 PM on March 14, 2008
Back to Billy Ball. Oops, I thought your glove was 3 ft off the ground. Just call me the next Charlie Hussle (please). It wouldn't have happened under Mr. Torre...
posted by falconrod at 10:42 AM on March 14, 2008
I don't understand why most people tend to coddle this guy. So he can hit the ball a long distance off the tee, big deal. What about the rest of the game? He's horrible at it, and has been for a long time. He's unprofessional, unreliable, and Butch Harmon had every right to give him the boot. Mr. Daly has long ago worn out his "benefit of the doubt" for winning 2 Majors, but is now affecting the income of other Pros. They should boot this guy back to Q School and make him earn it all over again, if he can. I kinda doubt it. Which is why he no longer belongs on the Pro Tour...
posted by falconrod at 10:26 AM on March 14, 2008
John Daly disqualified at Bay Hill
He is only eligible for tourny's this year by way of Sponsors Exemptions. Why??? A players eligbility is predicated on previous success'. And there are many ways to create those success' to warrent being able to play in a given tourny. He has no recent success', for how many yrs??? Go back to Q School and quit insulting the intregity of the Sport...