When you read the story, I guess the horse hit him first, but this is the risk you take when you get on top of a large animal and attempt to ride it. These horses have no choice but to race, our ignorance and childish gamlbing ways have created a very poor situation for these beautiful animals.
posted by sap_basis at 01:23 PM on June 21, 2007
'Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and thousands of Haitians leave the country each year to escape miserable living conditions, violence and political instability.' Anywere is the Western Hemisphere can be considered the best country in da World for these boys, even New Yorks, ghetto!
posted by sap_basis at 12:13 PM on June 14, 2007
They remind me of those Pistons, great team players, no real super star, but plenty of stars. Unselfish play, I really hate them, but they get it done, don't they. I hope Lebron can make it interesting for us, becuase although it's not boring, it is not exciting either. Lebron should make it fun, while the Spurs do their thing.
posted by sap_basis at 04:00 PM on June 07, 2007
Great article, brings much good discussion. Stretching will prevent injury, before and after including in between the games and practices. But you get injured from just about anything in life, so do YOGA! Secondly in order to rebuild muscle burnt from athletics, eat proper nutrients, including vitamins (organic if at all possible). When I coached most parents and kids really did not understand all this. It is a lifestyle choice that will pay off in the long run.
posted by sap_basis at 04:35 PM on June 05, 2007
I like IRUNNIKE87 comment. Make them still be apart of the team. Attend all events, just not able to play. I'll take it one-step further and say, the team is now responsible to pay them accordingly, since they will not play, but still take part in the workouts, practices and all other events. Pay minus, game pay. This will help get them back on track, allow them to regain face and show some respect and remorse for what they have done. Not all bad, and it's seems to guarantee them back after the punishment. And I also think the whole season is too long, but I guess this will make others think twice. It's that example thing that Pacman is paying for. I do feel for him. It probably should have been around 10 games or so.
posted by sap_basis at 03:25 PM on April 10, 2007
Long interview. 'Le Zebre', I can see the moview now, the Zebras, the nickname of this club, since they have those black and white stripes, showing how the director tries to get the referees that will favor victories, but is that really fixing games? Not fair play, yes, but he should of been removed from the league and the champoinships banished, that would of been enough. This creates an amazing story. They get back to A by winning B and then win A, a perfect movie, or even loose in A, but still a good story.
posted by sap_basis at 12:34 PM on April 02, 2007
Are they sure we are not just wathcing his hip turn, since this picture is during impact. These studies don't tell you everything. My eyes would scan his whole body depending how far I am from the hitter of course, but at impact all I care is did he hit it and were does it go!
posted by sap_basis at 03:32 PM on March 14, 2007
Common, Beckham is done, even if he comes back from the injury, he was never really a threat as a player, only as a free kick specialist. Sign him up for the replacements!
posted by sap_basis at 06:06 PM on March 05, 2007
Clark was a good player, to bd he was plagued by back injuries.
posted by sap_basis at 04:45 PM on March 01, 2007
That was funny, and made a good point about this whole thing, we need more humor, not bashing. It would be nice if we didn't judge people so much, but if that judging takes place, we need this type of counter judgement, HUMOR. I am not Gay, but OK with it, because it gives me more chances to find women. The more gay guys we have the less straight ones, for all those striaght and bi-women! It's a joke people....
posted by sap_basis at 04:49 PM on February 20, 2007
I thought Christian Latner came out gay while at Duke? Am, I wrong, this is not the first player to come out of the closet, or maybe it's just the first to make a media statement about it. Who cares if they are gay, there are many gays in the league and I am sure Tim Hardaway played with several not even knowing it. Which would explain why they keep it a secret, people like Tim treat gays differently, so they are scared to come out. Now we have come full cirle on this issue, thanks Tim for justifying the FEAR in gays coming out!
posted by sap_basis at 12:12 PM on February 15, 2007
The real goones from hockey are all gone (thank god for that one), unless they have speed and can play too, then there just tough, like Yashin a black belt martial artist (don't F with him). This was just a bad a call and a dirty play. It happens. I think that we have an amazing new star in the game and that is really difficult to find today because all the technology and conditioning has moved forward to provide a compettive much faster game. The only one that suffers of this great advancement is the referee who can't keep up and makes bad calls, becuase he is human. How about instant replay, or computer referee systems, which would make hockey different from all other sports!
posted by sap_basis at 01:13 PM on January 18, 2007
Looks more like a field hockey stick! Anyone know if it was Ice, Field or even my favorite, Road Hockey, wait there were no paved roads in 1852, oh, who cares anyway, really. I am Canadian and don't give a hoot.
posted by sap_basis at 04:42 PM on December 27, 2006
The problem here started when the Penguins owned Super Mario money, and handed him ownership instead. He really thought that he had no choice on the matter. Now as an owner he needs to put out money, get a big loan and be a business man. Is that what Super Mario was cut out for. The answer is in this saga, and to me it is obviuosly not what he was meant to do. He is the best stick handler that ever played the game, but not the best business man!
posted by sap_basis at 12:00 PM on December 21, 2006
Report: Jets caught spying
They still cant beat the Pats