Ichiro Lifetime MLB 6+ seasons, 1482 hits, .333 avg Japan 7 seasons, 1278 hits, .353 avg
posted by boxscore jr. at 12:14 PM on July 13, 2007
Eric Chavez gave one of his gold-gloves to Mr. Washington. He seemed to be well liked by the players. I'm glad he's getting his shot.
posted by boxscore jr. at 02:14 PM on November 06, 2006
David Eckstein: 4 hits, 3 for doubles and a GWRBI tonight! Detroit Tigers: 6 Errors (so far) for the series, 4 by pitchers.
posted by boxscore jr. at 01:19 AM on October 27, 2006
The "substance" on Rogers hand was not exactly dirt
posted by boxscore jr. at 01:24 AM on October 23, 2006
The best value is Oakland on Wednesdays. $2 bleacher tickets and $1 dogs.
posted by boxscore jr. at 09:44 PM on September 15, 2006
In old Ohio there's a team That's known throughout the land, Eleven warriors, brave and bold, Whose fame will ever stand, And when the ball goes over, Our cheers will reach the sky, O-HI-O field will hear again The Buckeye Battle Cry Drive! Drive on down the field, Men of the scarlet and grey, Don't let them through that line, We have to win this game today, C'mon Ohio! Smash through to victory, We cheer you as we go, Our honor defend, We will fight to the end, for O - HI - O
posted by boxscore jr. at 04:56 AM on September 09, 2006
Quote of the day: "Is that an AARP meeting?" - defensive tackle Warren Sapp, 33, upon sighting George, 38, meeting with writers after practice. SF Gate
posted by boxscore jr. at 08:28 PM on August 29, 2006
He's baaaaaack! (sort of)
May 18, 2007 Beane said that the team might consider bringing Henderson back for one game -- perhaps when rosters expand in September -- so that he could retire in an A's uniform. The A's would be open to the idea as long as it was workable with the roster situation at that point and if the details were firmly settled with Henderson in advance.