Ted Williams was, to use a cliche, the last of a dying breed. An athlete who saw saw baseball as a calling, not a way to be a celebrity. Even as a Mets fan and thus a Sox-hater, I will miss the Splendid Splinter. Godspeed.
like*I*care- from Kochalka's mp3.com bio: " He collaborates with many excellent musicians fromdifferent bands including The Pants, The Philistines Jr.,The Zambonis, and Jason Cooley."
Ted Williams was baseball's greatest hitter
Ted Williams was, to use a cliche, the last of a dying breed. An athlete who saw saw baseball as a calling, not a way to be a celebrity. Even as a Mets fan and thus a Sox-hater, I will miss the Splendid Splinter. Godspeed.