Thanks, ya'll. This was fun. And I choose not to answer the StarFucker question on the grounds that I'm a little frightened of him.
posted by jennyb at 11:54 AM on April 18, 2003
Ummm... I'm a pretty adventurous eater, so I like to eat things I've never tried before. I really like the flavors in Asian food. I like real Mexican food, like goat meat tacos and mole poblano. We finally assembled the grill we got for Christmas so we've been experimenting with that. I like fish a lot. I'm glad it's almost summer because I miss good vegetables. I don't like to eat animal species that I've had as pets. Beverage-wise it's either water, coffee, or booze. I take my coffee with just milk, and I hate Starbucks. I *heart* beer. I'm on a big wheat beer kick because it's getting warm out, but my standard favorites are pub stouts and IPAs. I aspire to one day be a scotch drinker, but right now I can't stand the stuff.
posted by jennyb at 08:53 AM on April 18, 2003
I encourage Jeff's involvement in fantasy sports teams, because it frees up the TV and I can watch what I want for a change. Besides last year he had four fantasy football teams, so at least this year he's diversifying. There are no tears; he just drowns his sorrow in gin. (squealy, what on earth were you thinking? and StarFucker, that was fucking hilarious.)
posted by jennyb at 08:02 PM on April 17, 2003
Oh and I lied about the CDs in my car. I realized when I drove at lunch that I don't have Tilt in the changer, it's Old 97s Too Far to Care.
posted by jennyb at 01:21 PM on April 17, 2003
I didn't play any sports growing up. I tried out for field hockey and softball in junior high and my subsequent rejections led me to pursue other, more nerdy interests. For I time, I was the game announcer and official score keeper for my high school's baseball team, but I quit when the coach decided taking home and washing players' uniforms was part of my duties. I was in band all through school so attended an awful lot of mediocre high school football games (we didn't win a single game my junior year). So I've never quite gotten over the geek's fear of team sports that was instilled deep within me by my early failures (and one stereotypically evil gym teacher) but I do like solitary pursuits like walking and biking and hiking (although I haven't gone in a long time) and various fitness related activities. I'm very good about getting up every morning and getting my recommended 30 minutes of cardio, and usually do some form of formal exercise 6 days a week. I'm also a very good swimmer, but went to a school without a swim team. Jeff tries to make me play tennis with him sometimes, but it's unbearably frustrating for both of us. However, I am much better baller than he is and can consistently kick his ass at horse. (If this interview didn't turn into a book club, movie geek convention and HTML 101 class, I just wouldn't feel like I'd done a good job.)
posted by jennyb at 12:59 PM on April 17, 2003
Oops, corpse snuck in on preview and answered my Tin Drum question.
posted by jennyb at 09:54 AM on April 17, 2003
(Ufez, I know how, I just like bitching about it. And NetFlix didn't have The Tim Drum? I think that's where we rented it.) To answer the question, I write but that's all the media creation I'm involved in. I think Jeff would make fantastic films so maybe one day when I'm a lawyer I can support him in that endeavor. Minor league baseball season just started, and we're stumbling distance from the ball park, so we've been attending a lot of Greensboro Bats games together. We try to attend some form of cultural activity each month, although we've not been doing to well this winter. Now that the weather's nice, my favorite joint activity is sitting on the porch and getting drunk on Saturday afternoons, which probably goes a long way towards explaining why we don't get out as often as I might like...
posted by jennyb at 09:51 AM on April 17, 2003
Okay, sorry for the delay, but here goes: My web browsing habits are pretty boring. I pretty much alternate between SportsFilter, MetaFilter, Red Cricket, and You Are Talking Too Loud. Although I did find a really interesting link a few days ago to site about a woman who makes art out of dead animals. My film, literature, and art tastes run toward the macabre, and I consider myself a genre specialist in horror films with a concentration in Dargento, Grau, Romero, and my personal favorite, Hammer Films. The best horror movie I've seen recently is Odishon, the last 30 minutes of which I watched through a t-shirt with my fingers in my ears. But despite all that my favorite movies I've seen in the past year were probably Italian for Beginners and Spirited Away even though as soon as I post this I'll think of about sixteen other, better responses. Book-wise this is my year of Ne(i)(a)ls, since the best books I've read recently and the first in a long time that have engendered the feeling that I not only couldn't put them down, but that you can have my book when you pry it from my cold dead hands, or that maybe I could read at this red light up here or in the shower, are Cryptonomicon by Neil Stephenson and American Gods by Neal Gaiman. The Cormac McCarthy book Jeff mentioned was a close third. I've also got a predilection for crappy true crime novels, particularly books about serial killers, not out of any voyeuristic desire to find out more about the crimes themselves but because I'm really curious about what makes somebody that whacked. I've got pretty diverse musical taste (to quote my friend Armando, "I enjoy all kinds of music. (Yep, even that kind.)") so while it's more representative of a spring weather-induced need to listen to Reggae or annoy other motorists by listening to bratty indie/punk real loud with my windows down than my actual tastes, I'll tell you the six CDs I just put in the changer in my car: Rainer Maria - Long Knives Drawn, Le Tigre (self titled), Jimmy Cliff - The Harder They Come, Bob Marley - the blue CD from the box set, Tilt - Viewers Like You, and Modest Mouse - The Moon and Antarctica, which doesn't really fit the theme of the changer, but I was running late after picking the first five and that was is centrally located on the CD rack. Also, thanks wfrazerjr, you are very kind. And I'm a Mac user as well (although use a PC at work), so completely empathize with your link-building-keyboard-shortcut-lacking plight. Oh and why? I don't know, I've just always been fascinated by things far outside the realm of every day human experience. I can't shake the feeling that one day, I'll get in the closet a secret door to another world really will open up behind me.
posted by jennyb at 09:02 AM on April 17, 2003
That's two things you and corpse have in common! Note: I never ever call corpse "corpse" and find it strange to do so in this interview.
posted by jennyb at 02:56 PM on April 16, 2003
Despite my entreaties that we have a quiet civil ceremony so I can share his health benefits, there are no wedding bells in our near future. Or children, for that matter, but I think I'm close to convincing corpse that we should get a dog.
posted by jennyb at 02:23 PM on April 16, 2003
After many more hours of honing our banter on message boards and via ICQ, I convinced corpse to come and visit under the facade of finding a job (as neither of us were ready to admit we had giant crushes on each other). We were both so busy trying to be cool that we missed each other's romantic advances until we got drunk enough that I just planted one on him in my kitchen. From there we embarked on a very frustrating long distance relationship for the next six months until, as luck would have it, the dot com bubble burst, I got laid off, and my cat and I moved to North Carolina to live with corpse. The arrangement was supposed to be temporary but turned out to be surprisingly agreeable so we got a bigger apartment, another cat, and two years later, here we are. So all you folks broswing the Yahoo personals, take heart. You can find love on-line.
posted by jennyb at 12:53 PM on April 16, 2003
I am a freelance writer and editor, and for seven more days will supplement the freelance income by working in the administration department of a remote career counselling and outplacement services company. After the seven days are up, I will supplement the freelance income by waiting tables at a casual fine dining establishment, because the desk job was really getting me down. I am applying to law school for Fall 2004 and hope to someday save the world or be a high profile lawyer so corpse can stay home with the cats. I am currently enjoying that magical time between giving my notice and the last day of my job, when I'm free to train my more than capable replacement and fearlessly flaunt my web browsing.
posted by jennyb at 10:51 AM on April 16, 2003
Does that mean we get discounts on common household goods and services? Free steam cleaner rental with proof of two low SportsFilter user numbers!
posted by jennyb at 08:19 AM on April 16, 2003
I either saw SpoFi linked on Metafilter or corpse told me, I can't remember exactly. I joined because I was enchanted by the concept of sports discussion that didn't involve a lot of name calling. You jerks. Someday when MeFi user numbers are the new currency, I'm going to sell mine on eBay and become a wealthy gadabout.
posted by jennyb at 07:56 AM on April 16, 2003
Okay, okay, I'm in. If I win you'd better not welsh on my $20 just because I live with you.