Yeah even if it were a tradition it sucks. It won't stop sucking if they keep doing it long enough. Your idea sounds pretty good.
posted by wood at 03:26 PM on July 12, 2008
Article seems sadly confused, they say it's the only Olympic event closed to women. That seems like a pretty damn good reason to just add women's and call it a day. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be true. I believe boxing is men only. I'd like to see women's boxing though. And I'd watch women's ski jumping too even though I don't really watch the olympics. I'm sure they have some nice outfits, which is irrelevant to the merits of their cause but might affect my tv viewing choices.
posted by wood at 06:30 PM on May 23, 2008
Sports is primarily entertainment. None of them "deserve" the money they make as much as say, a teacher or an emt, or an architect or a cook. But they "deserve" the money as much as any other entertainer like Cher, or David Copperfield or whatever. And if they get more money because they're hot or interesting, who gives a goddamn? What world do you live in? Let me clue you in: pro sports doesn't work like a card room where the hustler makes his money by taking the wagers of the other players and his take is directly correlated with how much he wins. It's more like American Idol. It's entertainment and people like a back story. People like to see when a national group, ethnic group, woman or man does something new because it's interesting. It's more interesting to them than the same sort of person pushing the limits of what other people have been doing. And guess what: no one except for other people with your same mental deficiencies thinks you're hot shit because you live in a post-identity-politics world where you don't see race, nationality, sex & you only care about the race time and the mechanics of their swing. No one wants you to come over and educate their daughter if she puts up a poster of a woman athlete instead of the man who's 5 seconds faster. Get over yourself.
posted by wood at 04:29 PM on August 10, 2006
No one has stepped up to defend the Chinks yet. Why could that be? What's ludicrous is comparing Indians to "birds, bears, cats [or] pirates."
posted by wood at 01:27 PM on August 05, 2005
He's lying through his teeth. There's no way he didn't think this was against the rules. In the Seattle Times 2 days ago they quoted him as saying (approx) "It was just a game ... with some guys I thought were friends." OK, now say that out load. Obviously he didn't think it was OK, he just thought that there was no way anyone would ever find out about it. How hard is it to point out to your buddies that you happen to be the football coach at the UW?
posted by wood at 11:16 AM on June 06, 2003
9 year old with a 40 mph fastball, gets the boot.
Lincoln didn't say that.