You Can Call Them Rays, or You Can Call Them Sting Rays, or You Can Call Them Sun Rays, or You Can Call Them ...
Leave the name the "Blue Jays", the Devil Rays have pretty much already dropped "Devil". What's the big deal? I mean, how about the Duke Blue Devils? That University has had success. I think God knows that we Devil Rays fans our simply rooting for, what it is.....and what it is is a baseball team....that's all and no more. God bless the Devil Rays baseball team keep them they can WIN!
You Can Call Them Rays, or You Can Call Them Sting Rays, or You Can Call Them Sun Rays, or You Can Call Them ...
Leave the name the "Blue Jays", the Devil Rays have pretty much already dropped "Devil". What's the big deal? I mean, how about the Duke Blue Devils? That University has had success. I think God knows that we Devil Rays fans our simply rooting for, what it is.....and what it is is a baseball team....that's all and no more. God bless the Devil Rays baseball team keep them they can WIN!