Just Because you Can THrow A Knuckle Doesn't Mean YOu SHould!!! One More Bad Start And Dickey's Done. THat Knuckler had less movement than his fastball! Note* THe only Other Person TO Give Up That Many Home Runs (In The Last Century) is None Other Than Wakefield Himself. ANd It Was TO THe TIgers Too.
posted by Ultim8 at 11:00 AM on April 07, 2006
I Don't Care How Hot Coffee Is, Or Who should have looked after whoever, these stupid ass lawsuits are a huge reason small business owners in this country Can't make a decent profit. Too busy Spending Money to Cover our asses to protect ourselves from people like this father and Mrs. Coffee Legs. I'm Sorry For the loss of your son, but don't go looking for a handout from an institution that needs that money to teach our children.
posted by Ultim8 at 11:12 AM on March 08, 2006
Welcome Back Baseball! It's Good To See YOu Again, in Any Form
posted by Ultim8 at 11:09 AM on March 07, 2006
Congrads To THe Kid ANd Also to the Coach And Players who embraced this kid, making him one of their teammates, showing compassion, giving him the opportunity to touch us all like only a kid like him can do.
posted by Ultim8 at 04:18 PM on February 24, 2006
it was a damn drop kick, who cares if its been Forty YEars Since We've Seen It. If It happened on a play that meant something, maybe, but the play isn't that cool anyway
posted by Ultim8 at 01:57 PM on January 31, 2006
Eddie back in the NFL?
As A Raiders Fan Hoping For The Day Al Davis Kicks The Bucket, LET EDDIE D. BUY THE TEAM PLEASE